By David Armentrout, Patricia Armentrout
ISBN-10: 1604723262
ISBN-13: 9781604723267
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Of course, wind turbines need wind to generate electricity. That is one of wind energy’s disadvantages. Many places in the world do not have sufficient winds to support a wind farm. In addition, some people oppose new wind farms because of their size, appearance, and the impact they have on wildlife. 38 Conservation groups claim migratory bat and bird populations suffer, because they occasionally fly into spinning turbine rotors. Government agencies, turbine companies, and conservation groups study the flight paths of these animals before new wind farms are constructed.
1990s More efficient wind turbines replace early models in California. 2000s Interest in wind energy grows as fossil fuel prices increase and their supplies decrease. 45 Glossary efficient (uh-FISH-uhnt): working without wasting energy emissions (I-MISH-uhnz): harmful chemicals released into the air fossil fuels (FOSS-uhl fyoo-uhlz): coal, oil, or natural gas formed from the remains of prehistoric plants and animals generator (JEN-uh-ray-ter): a machine that converts energy to electricity grid (GRID): system that transmits and distributes electricity from power plants to customers industrial (in-DUHSS-tree-uhl): having to do with factories and other businesses irrigation (IHR-uh-GAY-shun): supplying water to crops with a system of pipes and channels 46 kinetic energy (ki-NET-ik-EN-ur-jee): energy of motion mechanical energy (muh-KAN-uh-kuhl-EN-ur-jee): energy of motion that performs work meteorologists (MEE-tee-ur-OL-oh-jists): people who study the Earth’s atmosphere nacelle (nuh-SELL): an engine enclosure pollination (POL-uh-NAY-shun): the transfer of plant pollen potential energy (puh-TEN-shuhl-EN-ur-jee): energy that is possible technology (tek-NOL-uh-jee): using science and skills to improve upon things turbine (TUR-bine): an engine driven by air, water, steam, or gas wind vane (WIND-VAYN): a device that rotates to show the direction of the wind 47 Index capacity 28, 34, 37 Dutch 20, 44 Egyptians 14 fossil fuels 13, 14, 40 kinetic energy 4, 22, 24 mechanical energy 18 Netherlands 20 nonrenewable energy 13 Persians 18, 44 potential energy 4, 22 power plant(s) 10, 40 renewable energy(s) 12, 13, 45 solar energy 6, 8, 12, 41, 45 wind farm(s) 32, 34, 37, 38, 45 wind turbine(s) 22, 24, 28, 38, 41, 45 windmills 18, 20, 21, 22, 44 Further Reading Morris, Neil.
Com About the Authors David and Patricia Armentrout specialize in nonfiction children’s books. They enjoy exploring different topics and have written about many subjects, including sports, animals, history, and people. David and Patricia love to spend their free time outdoors with their two boys and dog Max.
Wind Energy by David Armentrout, Patricia Armentrout
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