By Robert Kirkman
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22 There is a productive tension at work here between individuality and collectivity, unique readings and social contexts, and this tension becomes even stronger in the public performance of reading and interpretation. It is practically impossible to track precisely how readers engage with and respond to particular texts; the individual reader’s silent reading processes remain a mystery, and there is really no objective process by which we can gain unmediated access to individual readings. All we have is what readers articulate about their readings, and it is inevitable that in articulating their ideas and reactions to a text, people will always in some way be arranging and simplifying what was originally a messy and evolving reading experience into some kind of coherent shape, argument, or narrative.
Narrative Locations 45 B o o k Th ree: S o lo mo n, Adel i ta, Glor i a Book Three again has three chapters: the first is narrated from the point of view of Claire’s husband Solomon, the judge, who is hearing cases on the day of the wirewalk at the criminal court building on Centre Street in downtown Manhattan. ” The chapter ends at this point, and the reader has to wait for Gloria’s chapter at the end of Book Three to find out how the judge dealt with the wirewalker. The second chapter in Book Three picks up the Corrigan thread with a narrative presented from the point of view of Adelita, a nurse from Guatemala.
24 In a comment posted to Erin’s website on July 17, 2011, Lisa comments: “I read this book awhile ago. I had a hard time with it. I am pretty sure I finished it—but I may have skimmed some of it. ” Also on July 17, Margot comments that when she got to the end of the first story she wanted to give up. ” In describing her experience with the novel, Erin 30 Literary Geographies provides a good example of how reading/listening motivation, speed, and intensity vary in time and according to the social context of the engagement, even for a single reader: “I will admit the first story, about an Irishman and his brother, was very slow for me, and had I not committed for Reading Buddies, I may have given up.
Walking Dead #45 by Robert Kirkman
by Jason