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Get VOIP - A practical guide for the non-telephone engineer PDF

By Joe Yeung

ISBN-10: 1326260634

ISBN-13: 9781326260637

It is a sensible advisor for company and It managers on enforcing a Voice over Ip cell approach

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If a comment is commonly made, then there must be some truth in it. On the other hand, if it is a misconception, then why do people think otherwise? D 15 January 2015) " SKYPETM’s traffic was almost 40% the size of the entire conventional international telecom market". With market size such as this, no wonder most people think of VOIP as SKYPETM. Although SKYPETM has a large share of the VOIP market, it does not mean VOIP is SKYPETM! It is the same as saying the world wide web is a major part of the internet, but the internet does not mean only the world wide web.

The back of each SIP phone will have three cables plugged into it, if the network cabling used is thick and hard, it will be very awkward to position the SIP phone in a suitable spot on the desk. If like most people, the telephone gets moved regularly to create space or out of the way temporarily, the network plug can be accidently dislodged from the socket at the back, causing the phone to malfunction. So the company will be looking at using thin/flat and flexible cables for the SIP phones. Duplicate components After looking at the cost of components, Mary has the idea that she can keep a spare (identical) component for everything that is crucial.

Hopefully, you will no longer be confused by SKYPETM and SIP. I don't know anything about TCP/IP (Transmission Controlled Protocol/ Internet Protocol) This guide includes all the basic TCP/IP settings you will need to install and configure a VOIP system. Although this guide does not pretend to teach you TCP/IP, you will still benefit from it with the basic understanding of TCP/IP and VOIP. I am not particularly technical You are in luck, whilst you need some degree of technical competence in IT, the guide is written to be like the assembly instructions of a flat packed bookcase, you need to follow instructions and have the skills to put it together, but you do not need to know why it should be assembled in a certain way.

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VOIP - A practical guide for the non-telephone engineer by Joe Yeung

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