By Jasper Ungoed-Tho
ISBN-10: 0304336467
ISBN-13: 9780304336463
ISBN-10: 0304336556
ISBN-13: 9780304336555
ISBN-10: 1847143245
ISBN-13: 9781847143242
Arguing solid tuition is one with recognizable ethical and highbrow features, the writer outlines his view of ways faculties can be prepared, as a complete and in each box of schooling, to inspire those traits.
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A need to excel could degenerate into an urge to dominate, even to humiliate, others. The Greeks had a sense of wholeness, not only of persons and their activities, but more widely, of existence. They sought not simply underlying realities, but rather one single sustaining essence. The quest for ultimate unity increasingly came to influence, and in due course to dominate, the Greek view of the person. The reality which was sought by the Greeks could readily be identified with the Good, and with Truth, which it encompassed.
Tragically, as the Greeks understood only too well, the longing for fame carried within it the potential to destroy both personal and social balance. Ambition and self-assertion, the usual fuel of any drive for fame, could in principle be guided by reason. In practice, they often proved to be highly volatile elements which might erupt at any time into ruthless behaviour and unjustifiable risk-taking. A need to excel could degenerate into an urge to dominate, even to humiliate, others. The Greeks had a sense of wholeness, not only of persons and their activities, but more widely, of existence.
The quest for ultimate unity increasingly came to influence, and in due course to dominate, the Greek view of the person. The reality which was sought by the Greeks could readily be identified with the Good, and with Truth, which it encompassed. Its apprehension could be seen as the main purpose of human existence. According to Plato (1955, p. 269), 'Good is the end of all endeavour, the object on which every heart is set, whose existence it divines ' If one was to have any chance of aiming successfully for such a goal, one needed to develop as a person along certain lines.
Vision of a School (Studies in Pastoral Care & Personal & Social Education) by Jasper Ungoed-Tho
by Kevin