By Francisca Castro
ISBN-10: 8477111332
ISBN-13: 9788477111337
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The issue oflndian-treai'y �ights vers'us 'state�' -;[ghfsft�d th;vIscissitudes of partisan politics caused the Jacksonians and their opponents to momentarily trade positions concerning federal expenditures. 59 When the Senate took up the slightly modified House version, opposition leaders Frelinghuysen and Peleg Sprague of Maine once again unsuccessfully attempted to add amendments guaran teeing the Indians all rights provided by treaties and requiring the � \ Old Hickory Takes Command 31 executive department to furnish Congress with detailed information about the proposed western sites for the Indians before any voluntary emigration began.
Pp. 359, 367. , p. 381 . For Barton's political career, see Edwin C. Reynolds, Missouri: A History of the Crossroads State (Norman: University of Okla homa Press, 1962), p. 1 17. 47. , p. , pp. , Senate Records, S21A-Bl , S21A-B2, RG 46, NA. For statistical analy ses of the roll call, see Satz, "Federal Indian Policy," p. 34; David ]. , Vol. 62, pt. 5 (Philadelphia, 1972), p. 14. 48. , pp. 8 1 9, 988, 993- 1 1 20, 1 1 22-36; Pryor Lea to Editor, May 27, 1830, in Knoxville Register, June 9, 1830.
3 1 . , pp. 457-59. 32. Ibid. 36 A merican Indian Policy 33. , pp. 507-1 1 ; American Spectator and Washington City Chronicle, February 6, 1830; Columbian Star and Christian Index 1 (December 19, 1 829): 338, 2 (February 1 3, 1830): 106-7; 2 (February 20, 1830): 120; Magazine of the Reformed Dutch Chu rch 4 (December 1829): 287; Arkansas Gazette (Little Rock), April 20, 1 830; National Intelligencer, January 1 2, 15, 1830; McKenney to H. L. White, February 26, 1 830, lA, LS, 6: 293, RG 75, NA; T.
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