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Paul Davidson's Uncertainty, International Money, Employment and Theory: PDF

By Paul Davidson

ISBN-10: 0312221916

ISBN-13: 9780312221911

ISBN-10: 1349149918

ISBN-13: 9781349149919

ISBN-10: 1349149934

ISBN-13: 9781349149933

ISBN-10: 2012022022

ISBN-13: 9782012022027

The ebook includes Paul Davidson's significant contributions to the economics and coverage debates of our instances. the connection among uncertainty, financial idea, overseas monetary markets and worldwide unemployment is analysed all through. Davidson indicates new ideas for the most important difficulties of the twenty-first century, together with risky monetary markets in Asia and past, difficult orthodox responses. the diversities among the Old-, New-, and Post-Keynesians all vying for Keynes's mantle, are explored.

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32 Uncertainty and Probability In orthodox economics where the standard deviation measures uncertainty, economic data are typically viewed as part of time series realizations generated by ergodic stochastic processes. In fact, Nobel Prize winner Paul Samuelson (1969) has made the acceptance of the ergodic theorem the sine qua non of the scientific method in economics. 4 UNCERTAINTY AND ERGODIC STOCHASTIC PROCESSES Logically, to make statistically reliable forecasts about future economic events, today's decision-makers should obtain and analyse sample data from the future.

4. Axiomatic general equilibrium theories that are presented in a non-stochastic format normally impose on the economic processes the properties of a conservative system. The intrinsic stability of such conservative systems is linked with the theory of ergodic processes by Liouville's Theorem. 5. See note 4 infra. 6. It is also possible that changes that are not predetermined can occur even without any human economic action. 7. Moreover, Keynes (1973b, p. 511) noted that we often misuse the terms dynamic and static when we apply them to an analysis of the path of a moving economy in the former, and stationary in the latter, for 'it is not the economy under observation which is moving in the one case and stationary in the other but our expectation of the future environment which is shifting in the one case and stationary in the other and must necessarily be pursued in terms of a monetary economy, and has no significance otherwise'.

Knight, F. N. (1921), Risk, Uncertainty, and Profit (New York: Houghton Mifflin). ) Lucas, R. E. ) Lucas R. E. and Sargent, T. J. (1981), Rntional Expectations and Econometric Practices (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press). ) Machina, M. J. ) Ricardo, D. (1817), On the Principles of Political Economy and TOXIltion. ) Samuelson, P. A. (1969), 'Classical and Neoclassical Theory', in R. W. ), Monetary Theory (London: Penguin). Sargent, T. J. (1993), Bounded Rntionality in Macroeconomics (Oxford: Clarendon Press).

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Uncertainty, International Money, Employment and Theory: Volume 3: The Collected Writings of Paul Davidson by Paul Davidson

by Richard

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