By Upendra Baxi
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Iou;!! y relevllnt conclusions which JUlt unnot limply be uddcd up to formulMe Il nationlll ovcrviewof the eIJiColC), or bnd refilrm measure,. Tile datll·ba5e Ilv311able III the DlIianl!. anll ellen $ub·n~lion;\\ level. Is fllr too wenk to ,uppen GeQer;1\ eondUiions (Jhl. 95; Joshi, 1975: 101), Ther~ prc\'uH .... oelat ,truelu/e. ud polilieal culture (see the insightful study by Hlft lind Herring. \977: 113). Slale laws wele enacted (and n~ beina enacted) II different periods Ind vary. ly. in (IInll\!
D, S. Decillon·maJdng processes: by which substantive outcomes were reaci)ed. t:'Types of uoclioos BlIachiog to 5ubllaDli~e outcomes, 7, W8)'5 of hnndling iotrllmigent IlInctionee5, g. Reilltionship of the 'local' J)'uem (If dispute resolution with tbo wider olltlonal lelal '),lIem. 9. Function. of local di~pule settlement processes as perceived by lhe community studied Rod appm:elved by the elhnolnpher. 10. '1l~lomIlrY' or 'local'low. II . er~i~Cj, affect.. frona's LAW. ubstllntiYe outcl)mcs.
Cogn::tt~ 10 ',,,,al Ibemes of the resellrcber (Cobo, 1965: 83-108). The resulting ~ , ndaDce ofiosights, however. lellves a number ofimporUnt quc~hon. l. The literature If VlrtUII y =bollY dcOcil:nt in'reM n:prer;enlcd in categories (3). (7), (8) and (10), rlther variable io relation 10 cllegories (2). (6) lind (11). of uphln,tlon lind eVllluUlon. retrievnJ fr,om tbe community of l:holaf'1 who have, by their eodellVOUAIO rar, made tbe field Its,'ntractable for u~. I hlllll! ive quulionMirc on the line$ of the above checklist among thc:se "bolus, If ihey have preserverJ their fieldwork DotcS.
Towards A Sociology of Indian Law by Upendra Baxi
by Jason