By Anna Christine Henrichs
ISBN-10: 3319014862
ISBN-13: 9783319014869
ISBN-10: 3319014870
ISBN-13: 9783319014876
Before any type of new physics discovery will be made on the LHC, an actual figuring out and size of the normal version of particle physics' approaches was once precious. The e-book presents an advent to most sensible quark creation within the context of the traditional version and provides such particular measurements of the creation of best quark pairs in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass power of seven TeV that have been saw with the ATLAS scan on the LHC. The provided measurements specialize in occasions with one charged lepton, lacking transverse power and jets. utilizing novel and complex research suggestions in addition to a great knowing of the detector, they represent the main detailed measurements of the volume at that time.
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1 in the outermost layer. In the Tile Calorimeter, wavelength shifters are attached to each side of a scintillator tile, which are separately read out using photomultipliers. This provides a very fast signal and can be used in the trigger system. 9). Both use the same technology and active material as the LAr EM calorimeter. 2, good coverage in the transition region between the different calorimeter components is achieved. The HEC consists of two wheels on each side of the detector, both divided into two segments along the longitudinal direction.
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Top Quark Pair Production: Precision Measurements of the Top Quark Pair Production Cross Section in the Single Lepton Channel with the ATLAS Experiment by Anna Christine Henrichs
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