By Jean Duffy
ISBN-10: 1846316669
ISBN-13: 9781846316661
Thresholds of that means examines modern French narrative and explores comparable concerns: the centrality inside contemporary French fiction and autofiction of the subjects of passage, ritual and liminality; and the thematic continuity which hyperlinks this paintings with its literary ancestors of the Nineteen Sixties and Seventies. throughout the shut research of novels and récits by way of Pierre Bergounioux, François Bon, Marie Darrieussecq, Hélène Lenoir, Laurent Mauvignier and Jean Rouaud, Duffy demonstrates the ways that modern narrative, whereas capitalising at the formal classes of the nouveau roman and drawing upon a shared repertoire of motifs and subject matters, engages with the advanced tactics through which that means is produced within the referential international and, specifically, with the rituals and codes that social guy brings into play so as to negotiate a number of the phases of the human life-cycle. through the applying of recommendations and types derived from ritual thought and from visible research, Thresholds of that means situates itself on the intersection of the constructing box of literature and anthropology experiences and study into be aware and image.
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Indd 38 26/05/2011 11:46:48 Illness, ritual and liminality 39 in many respects, the conceptual and thematic core of the novel. In practical terms the grandmother is completely ineffectual: she is unable to give her son-in-law any information that might help him locate his wife and daughter; her health begins to fail almost as soon as the abduction becomes apparent; during her time in the resort she is confined to her hotel and encounters none of the other characters. However, notwithstanding her apparent irrelevance to the unravelling of what might be regarded as the central action, it is her feverish thought-processes, as she hovers between wakefulness and sleep, between rationality and hallucination, that give us interpretative purchase on the underlying initiatory structure of the text as a whole.
With the expansion of the medical humanities and the development of ‘narrative medicine’, medical practitioners have looked to other disciplines – literary analysis, philosophy, history and anthropology – for models and metaphors by which to express the experiences of patients, carers and clinicians. The attraction of the notion of rite of passage is obvious, offering a versatile means of expressing a range of phenomena including: the patient’s passage from health to illness and from illness to health and the ways in which he/she endeavours to give structure and meaning to that process; the impact of illness on the carer’s life-trajectory; the initiation of the practitioner into the techniques of healing.
With regard to the second potential pitfall, there is, of course, an abundance of critical work that has shown directly or indirectly the central roles played by ritual and passage in both the oral and the written narrative traditions. What is especially interesting and revealing in the cases discussed here is the fact that these novelists have chosen to foreground the processes of ritual and passage, making them in many instances the structural linchpins of their narratives and using them as the framework by which to explore the methods and codes by which their characters strive to make sense of their lives.
Thresholds of Meaning: Passage, Ritual and Liminality in Contemporary French Narrative by Jean Duffy
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