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New PDF release: Theory of the lifting airscrew

By V. E.; Vil'dgrube, L. S.;Vozhdayev, Ye. S.; Maykapar, G. I. Baskin

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The blade axis of the rotating rotor generates a surface which is called the r o t o r c o n e . As a first approximation, the rotor cone may be considered as the r o t o r d i s c . Let us consider a straight line extended rearward from the rotor axis along the line of the intersection of the plane of rotation with the plane of symmetry of the helicopter (in the case of the side-by-side configurations, this would be a plane parallel to the helicopter plane of symmetry). e. , an angle between the previously defined straight line and projection of the blade axis at zero lag The azimuth angle is measured in the angle (Fig.

23), we obtain: Integrals appearing in the above expression can be easily determined and all of them are equal to zero. Consequently, and no power is required for the flapping motion. proven by ~ o c k ' O ~ . The above was The helicopter rotor plays a dual role of lifting and propell'ing. 14), we have . where . Power or torque coefficients are given by the following sum where are, respectively, the coefficients of power required to generate lifting and propulsive forces, while ex is the coefficient of the horizontal component of the aerodynamic force, with cx =CT sin aB+C H C O S aB.

In order to determine velocities induced by the lateral vortices which spring from all stations of the blade, it is necessary to add all the elementary velocities. 0 v,,= 2 - - e-ro Q-1,o AV,,, v,= 2- - e-10 AV,. 15 (Cont 'd) \ As an illustration, the distribution of v along the fore and aft diameter of the disc is shown in Fig. 16. 16 4. VELOCITY COMPONENTS INDUCED IN THE yOz PLANE BY THE FREE LONGITUDINAL VORTICITY LAYER It has been shown that the intensity of the longitudinal vortices outside a circle of radius p (from whose perimeter sprang the original cycloidal free vortices) is twice as large as that inside the circle (Fig.

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Theory of the lifting airscrew by V. E.; Vil'dgrube, L. S.;Vozhdayev, Ye. S.; Maykapar, G. I. Baskin

by Charles

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