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Download e-book for iPad: Theory and Research on Small Groups by R. Scott Tindale, Elizabeth M. Anderson (auth.), R. Scott

By R. Scott Tindale, Elizabeth M. Anderson (auth.), R. Scott Tindale, Linda Heath, John Edwards, Emil J. Posavac, Fred B. Bryant, Yolanda Suarez-Balcazar, Eaaron Henderson-King, Judith Myers (eds.)

ISBN-10: 0306456796

ISBN-13: 9780306456794

ISBN-10: 0306471442

ISBN-13: 9780306471445

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Archer-Kath et al. (1994) trained students in the social skills of praising, supporting, asking for information, giving Cooperative Learning and Social Interdependence Theory 29 information, asking for help, and giving help. Students received either individual or group feedback in written graph/chart form on how frequently members engaged in the targeted behaviors. The researchers found that giving students individual feedback on how frequently they engaged in targeted social skills was more effective in increasing students’ achievement than was group feedback.

Individuals, furthermore, who are part of a cooperative effort learn more social skills and become more socially 22 David W. Johnson and Roger T. Johnson competent than do persons competing or working individualistically. Finally, it is through cooperative efforts that many of the attitudes and values essential to psychological health (such as self-efficacy) are learned and adopted. An important aspect of psychological health is social competence. Social skills and competencies tend to increase more within cooperative than in competitive or individualistic situations (Johnson & Johnson, 1989).

Such social judgments are the result of either a process of acceptance or a process of rejection (Johnson & Johnson, 1989). The process of acceptance is based on the individuals promoting mutual goal accomplishments as a result of their perceived positive interdependence. The promotive interaction tends to result in frequent, accurate, and open communication; accurate understanding of each other’s perspective; inducibility; differentiated, dynamic, and realistic views of each other; high self-esteem; success and productivity; and expectations for positive and productive future interaction.

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Theory and Research on Small Groups by R. Scott Tindale, Elizabeth M. Anderson (auth.), R. Scott Tindale, Linda Heath, John Edwards, Emil J. Posavac, Fred B. Bryant, Yolanda Suarez-Balcazar, Eaaron Henderson-King, Judith Myers (eds.)

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