By Jodi A. Byrd
ISBN-10: 0816678707
ISBN-13: 9780816678709
"In 1761 and back in 1768, ecu scientists raced worldwide to watch the transit of Venus, an extraordinary astronomical occasion within which the planet Venus passes in entrance of the solar. within the Transit of Empire, Jodi A. Byrd explores how indigeneity features as transit, a trajectory of flow that serves as precedent inside of U.S. imperial heritage. Byrd argues that modern U.S. empire expands itself via a Read more...
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S. founding fathers invested themselves and their future nation in Cook’s Pacific voyages, going so far as to issue Cook an American passport in March that would allow him safe passage through the naval battles of the Atlantic. Not content with the boundaries imposed by gravity, oceans, or ice, Europeans sought possession of all their eyes could see. ”³ There were other purposes for Cook’s Pacific voyages, which took place between and . Launched under the auspices of scientific discoveries—whether preventing once and for all the scurvy that plagued sailors during the months-long voyages through the Pacific; mapping and filling in the void that disturbed the need for a terra australis incognita revealed; listening for evidence of polyphony within indigenous mele, waiata, and chants; or opening negotiations with indigenous peoples to initiate colonial acquisition of lands and markets to underwrite future commercial interests—Cook’s initial mission to record the transit of Venus inaugurated a wave of Pacific invasions that would sweep missionaries, merchants, convicts, and military occupations into the lives and lands of the Pacific peoples.
To demonstrate how these histories collide, I examine John Collier’s speech at Poston Relocation Center on the Colorado River Indian Reservation. In the decade after the Indian Reorganization Act of , John Collier, in his role as commissioner of Indian Affairs, was both radically transforming the government structures of many native nations as well as struggling with the War Relocation Authority for administrative control over Japanese American internment. As administrator for the camp at Poston, Arizona—authorized by the signing of Executive Order —John Collier advocated self-governance as a means to exclude and then reincorporate Japanese Americans back into the citizenry of the United States.
S. empire tells itself, even as it strives to overcome and distance itself from such dependency, it is necessary to turn here to another poststructuralist movement that has become ascendant within diasporic and queer studies. In A Thousand Plateaus, Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari reframe Derrida’s concern with the verb “to be” with the additional chain “and . and . ”³⁶ Their work maps out possibilities for rhizomatic movements, de/re/territorializations, and nomadic assemblages in flattening and smoothing plateaus that give way to new lines of flight and new nomadologies as a way to resist the arborescence of master-signifiers, logos-centered thought, and subjectified historiographies.
The transit of empire : indigenous critiques of colonialism by Jodi A. Byrd
by Michael