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By Mary Ann Maslak

ISBN-10: 0791472752

ISBN-13: 9780791472750

ISBN-10: 1435628950

ISBN-13: 9781435628953

Deals examine on academic rules, courses, and practices for adolescent women and younger women, from either comparative and foreign views.

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As states modernize, they endorse values that go with democratic governance such as the participation of all citizens, including women. This leads states to recognize a host of obstacles that girls and women face. But subsequently there seems to emerge the fear, in the form of opposition from influential cultural and religious institutions, that changes to the status quo may alter the current equilibrium and create profound consequences for power and authority relations in private and public spheres.

Education, more than any other policy field, is characterized by multiple sources of authority and thus of policy formulation and implementation (Coombs 1994). The classroom, the school, the county or regional office, the state are some of the possible spheres, each comprising its respective actors engaged in educational policy. A study of educational policies must, consequently, be sensitive to the presence of these multiple actors and the varied agendas they pursue. Speaking in the context of educational evaluation, but making an observation that can be extended to other areas, Reimers (2002) finds that in Latin America educational policies are shaped by competition between two forces: the institutional rules of state domination and elite decision-making and the wider transactions among the state, international agencies, and the local educational research community.

They include Paraguay, Bolivia, and Argentina. Paraguay’s gender policies in education seek curriculum reform, teacher training, and a review of textbooks. According to persons in charge of the Gender Unit in the Ministry of Education, they were able to change the curriculum to reflect women’s contribution to society and to initiate a debate with teachers on sexuality. The unit produced modules on gender and sexuality, but as supplementary not core materials (Colazo 2000). Bolivia’s policies sought to make gender a crosscutting theme throughout the curriculum and to incorporate such issues as health, sexuality, equity, and sustainable development.

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The Structure and Agency of Women's Education by Mary Ann Maslak

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