By Robert Nisbet
ISBN-10: 0690744056
ISBN-13: 9780690744057
ISBN-10: 0690744064
ISBN-13: 9780690744064
This essay in social and highbrow historical past advances the thesis that Western social philosophy arose through the disintegration of the traditional Greek and Roman groups and has been preoccupied ever considering with the matter of group misplaced and neighborhood to be won. because the writer exhibits, Western principles of ethical authority, freedom, consensus, and character tackle their specified personality as facets of Western
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Clearly, w hat A thens required, so far as the needs of war and dom estic solidarity were concerned, was a reconstruction far more basic th an Solon’s—which, after all, had not touched the underlying kinship structure of society. T h is was left for Cleisthenes, one of the most b rillia n t reform ers— revolutionists, we should say— in W estern history. It is unfo rtu n ate th at we know so little about this rem arkable m ind, its roots, its ways of detailed working, an d its effective contexts Suffice it to say that through w hatever means, through w hatever techniques of persuasion and force, Cleisthenes effected one of the most sweeping changes of a social system known to history.
T h e reason for the ease of this conquest is not far to seek. T h e peoples of Indochina knew no other organization than that of kinship— or of the tiny village based 5 Edward Jenks, L a w a n d P o l i t i c s in t h e M i d d l e A g e s (New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1898), pp. 306-7. See also Jenks’s more generalized S t a t e a n d t h e N a t i o n (New York: E. P. Dutton, 1919). No scholar, not even Sir Henry Maine or Sir Paul Vinogra dov, has shed more light on the historic conflict between war and kinship than has Edward Jenks.
For, after all, each tribal elder was himself patriarch of a family line, accustom ed to seeing family m atters dealt w ith w ithin the family or by negotiation am ong families. T h e sense of family, of family descent, and of the good or evil that could be p erpetuated in a given family line -was a powerful one among the Greeks. A good m an was, virtually by definition, a m an of good family. An evil m an was held to have acquired his evil from some cankering strain in his family heredity. O ne’s sole lasting, foreverineradicable identity came from his kinship line.
The social philosophers: community and conflict in Western thought by Robert Nisbet
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