By Suzanne Dixon
ISBN-10: 041574511X
ISBN-13: 9780415745116
The Roman Mother, first released in 1988, lines the conventional Roman perspective in the direction of moms to its republican origins, analyzing the varied roles and the relative energy and impact linked to motherhood.
The significance of the paterfamilias with his wide-ranging felony rights and tasks is ordinary, yet less recognition has been dedicated to the both fascinating place and tasks of moms and the actual boundaries on their activities. the writer considers the criminal place of the mummy, the prestige of the widow and her testamentary place; the legitimate merchandising of parenthood by means of Augustan laws; and the tasks of mom to little kids and vice versa, as they altered through the children’s lives. Literary stereotypes of perfect senatorial moms and of depraved step-mothers even have their half to play in reading the Roman view of motherhood, and the impression of such values at the process Roman heritage.
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Tib. 2 (who saysit was her brother'striumph). Cf. Cic. CaeL 34; Val. Max. 6. to. Plut. Cat. min. 1 has the story of children acceptingSulla's son as leaderbecauseof their regardfor his mother,CaeciliaMetella; Tacitus Agric. 4 reckonshis father-in-law'sdistinction from the male and female side. 11. 156. 12. Somewould say, over-represented - Frank (1916); Taylor (1961) - but cf. Rawson(1966: esp. p. ). Cic. 47 and SuetAug. 42 assumea large foreign elementof servile origin in Rome in the late Republic and early Empire.
5. As Octavian was - Nicolaus 5. Pliny's third wife was rearedby her paternalaunt in her grandfather'shome- Plin. Ep. 19. 6. Cf. Goody'sremarks(1969: 234-9) on this line of reasoning. 7. Vinogradoff(1920vol. 1, Chapters5 to 7, esp. pp. 204-5, 256); de Zulueta (1953: II. 36). Pomeroy(1976) showsa betterappreciationof the 'dual loyalties' which coexistedwith agnation. 8. As demonstratedby their liberation from 'paternalpower', patria potestasand the fact that they did not occupy a place in any network of intestatesuccession- Gai.
Saller(1984b)is importantfor the social definition of 'familia'. 2. Somehavearguedthat the archaicRomanfamily consistedof the joint agnatic householdof three generations,notably Westrup (1939, 1941). 3. Dig. 15(Ulpian) recordsthe ruling that if eitherhusbandor wife were murderedby a slaveof their household,the slavesof both must be held to account'becausethe familia is mixed up and constitutesone household': quia commixtafamilia est et una domus. The SmatusConsulta Silanumand Claudianumdiscussedin Chapter5 of Dig.
The Roman Mother by Suzanne Dixon
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