By D. S. Letham, P. R. Stewart, G. D. Clark-Walker (auth.), P. R. Stewart, D. S. Letham (eds.)
ISBN-10: 3662004992
ISBN-13: 9783662004999
ISBN-10: 3662005018
ISBN-13: 9783662005019
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M. 22 POLYA: 0) Polyamines. Various polyamines bind to DNA and inhibit RNA polymerase activity. These inhibitors are reviewed by TABOR (1965). p) Other Intercalation Compounds. A variety of other compounds inhibit RNA synthesis by intercalation with DNA. , 1971) (Fig. , 1972). 2. Protein-Specific Inhibitors of Transcription Relatively few enzyme-specific inhibitors of transcription are known but the antibiotics of this kind that have been found are of considerable importance as selective inhibitors of prokaryotic, eukaryotic organelle or eukaryotic nucleoplasmic RNA synthesis.
The Ribonucleic Acids by D. S. Letham, P. R. Stewart, G. D. Clark-Walker (auth.), P. R. Stewart, D. S. Letham (eds.)
by Daniel