By Rolf Lindner, Adrian Morris, Jeremy Gaines, Martin Chalmers
ISBN-10: 0521440521
ISBN-13: 9780521440523
During this unique and convincing research, Rolf Lindner argues that the tactic of city study constituting the middle of the recognized Chicago institution of sociology is finally indebted to the culture of city reportage. despite the fact that, the argument is going past a reconstruction of the connection among journalism and sociology. Professor Lindner exhibits how the determine of town reporter on the flip of the century represents a brand new method of lifestyles, and displays a change in American tradition, from rejecting style to embracing it.
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It may be the lack of recognition for his visionary ideas that stimulated an intellectual arrogance in Ford which developed features of megalomania. In later years he claimed ‘to have done as much work as Darwin, with twice as much remaining to do’ (quoted from Burton 1982, p. 12). 10 The Detroit Tribune of 11 April 1892 wrote: ‘Just how Mr. Dewey is to report thought no one seems to exacdy understand, and Mr. Dewey has not yet explained. . It is generally understood. . that Mr. Dewey proposes to get out an “extra” everytime he has a new thought - in that case, the sub scribers will be largely dependent upon the stability of Mr.
12 In TheMeaningof Truth (1975), William James refers back toJohn Grote (‘Explorado Philosophical 1865), which in its turn was inspired by Hegel (‘Phenomenology of the Spirit’, 1807). See also Merton (1972) in the context of a problematic which is stimulating in terms of this study. 38 T h e reportage o f urban culture reflect Park’s w ay o f thinking, the progress from experiences to concepts, a ‘learning by experience’ which to some extent became his life’s pro gramme, as is evident, for example, in the concept of the ‘marginal m an’.
Dreiser 1924, pp. ) It is immediately obvious that it is only a short step from the idea o f the big city as a college to the view o f the big city as a sociological labora tory. O n the basis o f his apprenticeship in N ew York and other news paper locations, Park developed his initial ideas on empirical urban research (illustration 3), as well as developing the first outlines o f his conception o f the city as a social organism with ‘segregated areas5 and ‘moral regions5 (see Park 1950a, p.
The Reportage of Urban Culture: Robert Park and the Chicago School by Rolf Lindner, Adrian Morris, Jeremy Gaines, Martin Chalmers
by Kevin