By Jefferson Humphries
ISBN-10: 0195041801
ISBN-13: 9780195041804
ISBN-10: 0195364732
ISBN-13: 9780195364736
ISBN-10: 1280523182
ISBN-13: 9781280523182
Why do americans, and so frequently, American writers, profess ethical sentiments and but write so little within the frequently "moralistic" genres of maxim and myth? what's the relation among "moral" issues and literary concept? Can any kind of morality continue to exist the meant nihilism of deconstruction? Jefferson Humphries undertakes a dialogue of questions like those via a comparative interpreting of the ways that ethical matters floor in French and American literature. Humphries takes factor with the "amoral" view of deconstruction espoused via a lot of its detractors, arguing that the talk among the theory's advocates and rivals comes all the way down to opposing literary and ethical traditions. whereas the yank culture perspectives morality as a inflexible process in a position to being enforced via injunctions alongside the strains of "Thou shalt" and "Thou shalt not," the French culture conceives of morality as a functionality of a continuing and unsentimental pursuit of fact, and at last, an admission that "truth" isn't a static factor, yet quite an ongoing means of rigorous idea
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B y his Works, did it afterwards . . by his Words. We will now for a while read the Former of these Books, 'twill help us in reading the Latter: They will remarkably assist one another. —COTTON MATHER, The Christian Philosopher All the visible world is but an imperceptible trace in the ample bosom of nature. —BLAISE PASCAL, Pensees It seems obvious that the Americans Mather and Edwards saw nature, as a text, rather differently from Pascal. Indeed, that they understood the subjectivity of perception quite differently: Instead of a dualism of subject and object, mediated imperfectly by the imperfect senses and intellect, Mather and Edwards saw a confirmation of Bunyan's view of the world as allegory.
Narratives, 243) The devil is a hollow, void, counterfeit Logos; evil appears in all of Mather's writings on witchcraft as a denial of the wholeness of all natural phenomena, of the word in the service of the Deity, of scripture. Rhetoric, if it is not logocentric, deocentric, is magical, apparitional. A common talent ascribed to witches was the ability to appear far from their actual whereabouts, to be simultaneously in several places, and to metamorphose into many different shapes, animal as well as human.
Images of divine things. It is with many of these images as it was with the sacrifices of old: they are often repeated, whereas the antitype is continual and never comes to pass but once. Thus sleep is an image of death that is repeated every night; so the morning is the image of the resurrection; so the spring of the year is the image of the resurrection which is repeated every year. And so of many other things that might be mentioned, they are repeated often, but the antitype is but once. , [1] that the thing shadowed is not yet fulfilled and 2.
The puritan and the cynic : moralists and theorists in French and American letters by Jefferson Humphries
by Daniel