By R. W. Johnson (auth.)
ISBN-10: 0333367871
ISBN-13: 9780333367872
ISBN-10: 1349177229
ISBN-13: 9781349177226
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6 The Way the World has Split* During the steady prosperity of the 1950s and 1960s a heated controversy raged over the question of whether affluence produced a trend towards greater political conservatism. Victory went in the end to those who were able to show that it didn't. lt now seems more apposite to stand the original hypothesis on its head- that is to ask why the recession of the 1970s has made people more conservative. If we take the British (or any other isolated national case) it is not difficult to sketch out a rudimentary sociology of why this should occur.
Those most suitable to the role (Sir Alec Douglas-Home, pre-eminently) don't yet fully accept our own imperial decline and are, anyway, far too polite. Still, we are sending the editor of The Times across and that's something. He has already mastered the subject of breakfast-time television in California. It's not exactly the heart of the matter but at least it's start. 8 The Buck Must Go On* There is a curious international interchangeability to political speeches these days. Mrs Thatcher tells us that the main priority is the fight against inflation.
Oddly, I've had some flak too from Marxists, apparently tom between a labour theory of value and some shadowy notion of a 'real' value of gold. What both sides disliked was my contention that the gold price was, above its basic 'jewellery level', politically determined. It was bad enough for believers in either labour or eternal value trying to explain why the price of this metal of such stable, intrinsic worth could dance up and down like a yo-yo. Once it was conceded that the price was essentially political neither Marx nor eternity were going to get much of a look in.
The Politics of Recession by R. W. Johnson (auth.)
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