By Jeff Love
ISBN-10: 1423791126
ISBN-13: 9781423791126
ISBN-10: 9042016329
ISBN-13: 9789042016323
"The so much authoritative, specific and nuanced examine so far of the vexed query of the novel's holism, or the relation among its ancient "essays" and the fictitious textual content. Love analyzes the complicated philosophical provenance of Tolstoy's principles with utmost care and readability and indicates their simultaneous dedication to either skepticism and confirmation, the finite and the endless. Love additionally demonstrates convincingly how Tolstoy's principles tell the novel's narrative constitution, significant scenes and existence trajectories of the most characters. Love's publication is an excellent corrective to the severe oversimplifications that experience lengthy surrounded conflict and Peace and is a huge contribution to Tolstoy scholarship in general." Vladimir E. Alexandrov B. E. Bensinger Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Yale collage "Hedgehog as opposed to Fox, Tolstoy the unifier as opposed to Tolstoy the skeptic, mind as opposed to senses, philosopher as opposed to artist: as Tolstoy himself knew good, to dislodge canonized binaries on any subject usually calls for lengthy, reasoned narrative argument. we've got simply any such fine-grained, sustained philosophical argument the following. Jeffrey Love takes on these regular binaries and demonstrates that Tolstoyan fact is dynamic, built-in, durative-and that the 2 nice classes approximately human awareness provided in conflict and Peace, cognitive humility and finitude, are in truth exhilarating virtues, no longer human disasters or unbridgeable contradictions. A tour-de-force." Caryl Emerson Princeton collage "Intense, analytical, philosophical, G. Jeffrey Love's "The Overcoming of heritage in struggle and Peace," like Isaiah Berlin's learn "The Hedgehog and the Fox," bargains lucrative insights into the tough yet critical historical-philosophical subject matters of warfare and Peace-issues natural to an realizing of Tolstoy's epic paintings. here's a major publication on Tolstoy." Robert Louis Jackson B.E. Bensinger Professor (Emeritus) Slavic Languages and Literatures, Yale collage
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Additional info for The Overcoming of History in 'War and Peace' (Studies in Slavic Literature and Poetics, 42)
Sample text
While the other officers look down on Tushin, who 28 Chapter One hardly cuts the figure of the daring artillery officer (and one should not forget here that Tushin’s efforts invite ironic comparison with Napoleon who first made a reputation for himself as an innovative artillery officer), Prince Andrei justifies Tushin’s conduct, remarking that “…’we owe today’s success chiefly to the action of that battery and the heroic endurance of Captain Tushin and his company’…” (I/2/XXI). Although Prince Andrei cannot help but attribute victory to the actions of Tushin, thus perpetuating his original thinking that one man can make all the difference in a battle, the more subtle message is still clear: Tushin’s prominence in the battle is the result of chance and not planning, that he decided to attack the village and not the valley, that he was able to hold out so long in a sort of feverish and intoxicated state and not follow orders.
If the term “historical essay” is not, strictly speaking, a very precise one, it is nonetheless heuristically useful, since it permits me at least to identify the entity whose true character will only emerge in the course of my analysis; namely, as an embodiment of a deeper structure within the text. , exposition versus description, which holds but fails to mine any deeper in the text. The sudden emergence of the essays in Book III has also been the source of perplexity. I have already alluded to both Boris Eikhenbaum’s resolution of this issue and my own response, but I think that additional comment is necessary.
As if in confirmation of the acuity of Langeron’s question to Weyrother, the French initiate the battle and thus explode one of Weyrother’s main assumptions. This assumption, however, is not the only one which proves to have been mistaken and which shows its naked contingency to disastrous effect during the battle. After Weyrother’s extensive and careful delineation of the dispositions, it is doubly ironic that the French are not at all where the Austrians believed they were but much more dangerously close.
The Overcoming of History in 'War and Peace' (Studies in Slavic Literature and Poetics, 42) by Jeff Love
by Kevin