By Katherine Chaddock
ISBN-10: 1137010789
ISBN-13: 9781137010780
ISBN-10: 1349297909
ISBN-13: 9781349297900
This primary biography of John Erskine perspectives him within the greater contexts of the mass tradition and accelerated commercialism that helped propel his repute. It additionally relates a existence narrative that demonstrates perils of educational superstar alongside a conceptual course from public highbrow to pop icon.
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D. Odell, who would one day become a colleague of Erskine’s in the English department at Columbia, sparked Erskine’s interest in poetry as well as his confidence, at age 14, in his ability to criticize poetic work. 17 Eventually, his work in poetry would infuse his PhD dissertation and a number of published works. At Columbia Grammar School, poems constituted his first attempt at formal writing to be read by others, garnering him a reputation as a writer among his student peers. His editorship of the school newspaper followed, as did the junior class prize for composition.
1 The largely German settlement of Union Hill, neighboring elegant Weehawken, was a fast-growing brewery and factory town that proved a steady source of German and Swiss weavers for the silk mill. John Erskine’s father, James Morrison Erskine, heir to the management of the silk business, was born and raised in Manhattan and was of Scottish descent. 2 Erskine and his siblings grew up among political and economic opinions that were upper-crust liberal and still somewhat regionally influenced. Boot strapping was possible and even preferred for families that had made their way across the Atlantic within the past generation or two.
Predictably, sections of 60 students quickly proved unwieldy. The earnest young instructor then doubled his classroom time to divide the boys into four sections, with each section required to meet twice a week. Each student was required to submit a weekly theme paper and to consult with Erskine about it. 18 He also recorded a zero on any paper with four spelling errors on its six pages. Thankfully, Erskine was a high-energy 24-year-old when he reported for duty at Amherst. Although his youth left him little leverage in the area of classroom discipline, he was able to keep up with a teaching and grading schedule that none of his older colleagues would have managed.
The Multi-Talented Mr. Erskine: Shaping Mass Culture through Great Books and Fine Music by Katherine Chaddock
by Kenneth