By Dennis Longley, Michael Shain
ISBN-10: 0333368665
ISBN-13: 9780333368664
ISBN-10: 1349072370
ISBN-13: 9781349072378
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For example, suppose that month end statistical reports had been corrupted and the data making up those reports was only available in its original form as input transactions or as a computer listing of all the items. Restoring the system could mean keying in again an entire month's work. For protection against this kind of damage, a computer user needs two things: the ability to store information in computer-readable form outside the system and restart points at appropriately planned intervals.
With removable exchangeable storage devices, cop ies of programs and files can be fed back into the computer system very rapidly in case of need. This is not the only reason for having this kind of store, of course , but even if the normal operation of a system did not require additional archival storage or intermittent use of programs and files, the re are still general needs for protection. 4). The restart and recovery facility itself is a matter of programmed routines, usually provided in the operating software.
Let us consider a suitable starting point for the small business user at the lowest level of size and capacity, which is probably a basic configuration comprising a computer with minimum size of main store, input keyboard and VDU screen. To th is would be added a floppy disk unit for removable, backing storage (often integral with the computer cabinet), and a serial printer. There should be also some information manuals containing a description of the equipment and its facilities, and instructions about Chapter 1 ~ Hard diSkS L----=J ~ U- I - UExterna l disks CPU I ~~ Software Tape backup Fig 4.
The Microcomputer Users Handbook 1985: The complete and up to date guide to buying a business computer by Dennis Longley, Michael Shain
by Kevin