By Bert Anson
ISBN-10: 0806131977
ISBN-13: 9780806131979
One of many small workforce of tribes comprising the Illinois department of the Algonquian linguistic relatives, the Miamis emerged as a pivotal tribe simply throughout the French and British imperial wars, the Miami Confederacy wars of the eighteenth century, and the treaty-making interval of the 19th century.The Miamis reached their height of political value within the Indian confederacies which blocked the Northwest Territory within the 1790's and through the battle of 1812. Their name to a lot of the current country of Indiana enabled them to make effective treaties and hold up emigration until eventually the past due 1840's.The tribe's 1846-47 emigrations produced branches, the Indiana crew and the Kansas-Oklahoma workforce, that have maintained political co-operation inspite of deep-seated cultural antipathies and dispossession. Their team spirit has been rewarded by way of luck of their fits ahead of the U.S. courtroom of Claims.This account spans the years from 1658 to the current, emphasizing the events on which the Miamis have been a decisive impact at the process American heritage.
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Additional info for The Miami Indians
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This was the tribe's eastern outpost when La Salle built Fort Miamis at the site during the winter of 167980. When the French erected St. Joseph Mission there, they also gave the river its present name. Between 1686 and 1693, another St. Joseph Mission and a fort were constructed at a bend in the river about sixty miles above its mouth. A village of Miamis and Potawatomis sprang up on the site, about four miles downstream from the crossing place of the Great Sauk Trail and now the loca- 10 Blair, Indian Tribes, I, 34850; II, 13236, 25455.
Joseph River; after about 1712, it was always held on the headwaters of the Maumee. 30 Although the name Kiskanon (or Kekionga) is applied to the tribal council village, there were at times as many as seven separate Miami villages within a few miles of the Maumee source, and the councils were not always held at the same one. The tribal, band, or clan chieftainships were not hereditary. The title of war chief was bestowed only upon warriors who could lead a series of successful raids. A Miami seldom became a fully accepted warrior or adult before he was twenty-five or thirty years old, and the chiefs were those with the most abilityor fewest failures.
When the French erected St. Joseph Mission there, they also gave the river its present name. Between 1686 and 1693, another St. Joseph Mission and a fort were constructed at a bend in the river about sixty miles above its mouth. A village of Miamis and Potawatomis sprang up on the site, about four miles downstream from the crossing place of the Great Sauk Trail and now the loca- 10 Blair, Indian Tribes, I, 34850; II, 13236, 25455. Francis Parkman, Count Frontenac and New France Under Louis XIV, 47173.
The Miami Indians by Bert Anson
by Kenneth