By Andrew James Carriker
ISBN-10: 9004131329
ISBN-13: 9789004131323
This paintings reconstructs the contents of the library in Roman Palestine of Eusebius of Caesarea (ca. 265-339) via reading Eusebius' significant works. It discusses how Eusebius used his assets after which examines what works have been on hand within the library in terms of philosophical works.
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Example text
44 Cod. Marchalianus (saec. VI), p. 568 (Mercati, p. 9): Metelhfyh apo tvn kata taw ekdoseiw ejaplvn kai dioryvyh apo tvn vrigenouw autou tetraplvn atina kai autou xeiri dioryvto kai esxoliografhto. oyen eusebeiow egv ta sxolia pareyhka. pamfilow kai eusebeiow dioryvsanto. See also at the end of Proverbs in the Syrohexaplar (saec. VI–VII) (Mercati, pp. 43–44): MetelÆfyhsan ka‹ énteblÆyhsan afl Paroim¤ai épÚ ékriboËw éntigrãfou, §n ⁄ paret°yhsan ka‹ §grãfhsan §n to›w metvp¤oiw sxÒlia xeir‹ Pamf¤lou ka‹ EÈseb¤ou, §n ⁄ kayupet°takto taËta: MetelÆfyhsan éfÉ œn eÏromen ÑEjapl«n ÉVrig°nouw.
At the end of Esther in the Codex Sinaiticus reports (Mercati, p. 18): Metelhmfyh kai dioryvyh prow ta ejapla vrigenouw up autou dioryvmena. antvninow omologhthw antebale. pamfilow dioryvsa to teuxow en th fulakh. . 44 Cod. Marchalianus (saec. VI), p. 568 (Mercati, p. 9): Metelhfyh apo tvn kata taw ekdoseiw ejaplvn kai dioryvyh apo tvn vrigenouw autou tetraplvn atina kai autou xeiri dioryvto kai esxoliografhto. oyen eusebeiow egv ta sxolia pareyhka. pamfilow kai eusebeiow dioryvsanto. See also at the end of Proverbs in the Syrohexaplar (saec.
73–85. 92 For discussion of the literary ( John of Nikiu, Chron. 10; Theophanes, Chron. 6133; Michael the Syrian, Chron. 422–423) and archaeological evidence regarding the Arab conquest, see K. G. , King Herod’s Dream, pp. 203–206; K. G. Holum, “Archaeological Evidence,” BASOR (1992), pp. 73–85. See also R. Schick, The Christian Communities of Palestine from Byzantine to Islamic Rule: a Historical and Archaeological Study, Studies in Late Antiquity and Early Islam 2 (Princeton, 1995), pp. 276–279.
The Library of Eusebius of Caesarea (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae) by Andrew James Carriker
by Christopher