By Ted Striphas
ISBN-10: 0231148143
ISBN-13: 9780231148146
ISBN-10: 0231148151
ISBN-13: 9780231148153
ISBN-10: 0231519648
ISBN-13: 9780231519649
"Ted Striphas argues that, even though the construction and propagation of books definitely have entered a brand new part, published works are nonetheless a great deal part of our daily lives. With examples from alternate journals, information media, ads, and a bunch of alternative advertisement and scholarly fabrics, Striphas tells a narrative of contemporary publishing that proves, even in a quickly digitizing global, books are something butRead more...
summary: "Ted Striphas argues that, even if the construction and propagation of books definitely have entered a brand new section, published works are nonetheless greatly part of our daily lives. With examples from alternate journals, information media, ads, and a number of alternative advertisement and scholarly fabrics, Striphas tells a narrative of contemporary publishing that proves, even in a swiftly digitizing international, books are whatever yet dead."--Inside jacket
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Hence, there are no anachronisms, only ways of seeing things as anachronisms. Whenever common sense tells us that printed books are dusty holdovers from the pre-electronic, analog era, we would do well to change our frame of reference. Books are artifacts with a deep and abiding history that belong in and to our own age—no more and no less so than flat-screen televisions, MP3 players, computers, and other so-called cutting-edge technologies. If this book neither declares that there is a crisis nor denies major historical shifts, if it neither rejoices in printed books nor aspires to bid them a fond farewell, then what, exactly, is its intention?
The edition of The Importance of Being Earnest for sale on Apple’s App Store is heavily redacted, however. id=1858. Innis, Empire and Communications, 7. Raymond Williams, “Culture is Ordinary,” in Resources of Hope: Culture, Democracy, Socialism, ed. Robin Gale (London: Verso, 1989), 13. Acknowledgments HAVING TAUGHT COURSES on the history and cultural politics of electronic media for the better part of a decade, in the fall of 2006 I decided to shift gears a bit. I designed a new undergraduate course called “The Cultures of Books and Reading,” hoping it would dovetail with a book—this book—I was working on at the time.
5. Electronic publishing—United States. 6. Internet bookstores—United States. I. Title. 45002—dc22 A Columbia University Press E-book. edu. Designed by Lisa Hamm References to Internet Web sites (URLs) were accurate at the time of writing. Neither the author nor Columbia University Press is responsible for URLs that may have expired or changed since the manuscript was prepared. For Phaedra Contents Preface to the Paperback Edition Acknowledgments Introduction: The Late Age of Print Bottom Lines Edges Sites 1 E-Books and the Digital Future A Book by Any Other Name Shelf Life Book Sneaks Disappearing Digits A Different Story to Tell 2 The Big-Box Bookstore Blues Chain Reactions?
The late age of print : everyday book culture from consumerism to control by Ted Striphas
by Richard