By R. Leeson
ISBN-10: 0230582028
ISBN-13: 9780230582026
ISBN-10: 1403949603
ISBN-13: 9781403949608
This quantity examines the original insights supplied by means of archival proof within the evolution of the Keynesian culture.
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200, Rome: Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, pp. 195–214. Rosselli, A. (2005) Sraffa and the Marshallian tradition, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, vol. 12, no. 3: 403–23. Servadio, G. (1993) Incontri, Catanzaro: Abramo. Signorino, R. (2005) ‘Piero Sraffa’s Lectures on the Advanced Theory of Value 1928–31 and the rediscovery of the Classical approach, Review of Political Economy, vol. 17: 359–80. Skidelsky, R. (1986) Keynes e Sraffa: un caso di non-comunicazione, in R. ), Tra teoria economica e grande cultura europea: Piero Sraffa, Milan: Angeli, pp.
The Reconstruction of Piero Sraffa’s Intellectual Biography 39 61 None of Sraffa’s pocket diaries kept at Cambridge shows any indication that he had been supervising any students in the period between 1933 and 1938 (Sraffa Papers E1-10). 62 In this respect we may also quote some letters written by Keynes shortly before 11 March: ‘Piero is in his most defeatistic mood, wants to throw in his hand and leave Cambridge, although really longing to stay; and he won’t lift a finger to help me to save the position for him.
The document is undated but was probably written in November–December 1927. 34 This note continues as follows: ‘The typical case of Marx’s metaphysics is his statement that “only human labour produces (causes) values”, “values are The Reconstruction of Piero Sraffa’s Intellectual Biography 35 36 37 38 39 40 35 embodied human energy (crystallized)”: there is no doubt that he attached to it some metaphysical meaning. The extraordinary thing is that the same metaphysical notion is held by such an anti-Marxian as Cannan (Theories, p.
The Keynesian Tradition (Archival Insights Into the Evolution of Economics) by R. Leeson
by Paul