By Upton Sinclair
ISBN-10: 049790019X
ISBN-13: 9780497900199
ISBN-10: 1423794338
ISBN-13: 9781423794332
This variation is written in English. even if, there's a operating Korean glossary on the backside of every web page for the tougher English phrases highlighted within the textual content. there are numerous variants of The Jungle. This variation will be worthwhile if you'd like
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It was by no means unusual for two men to own the same mattress in common, one working by day and using it by night, and the other working at night and using it in the daytime. % Mrs. Jukniene was a wizened-up little woman, with a wrinkled face. Her home was unthinkably filthy; you could not enter by the front door at all, owing to the mattresses, and when you tried to go up the backstairs you found that she had walled up most of the porch with old boards to make a place to keep her chickens. It was a standing jest of the boarders that Aniele cleaned house by letting the chickens loose in the rooms.
It was like a wonderful poem to him, and he took it all in guilelessly—even to the conspicuous signs demanding immaculate cleanliness of the employees. Jurgis was vexed when the cynical Jokubas translated these signs with sarcastic comments, offering to take them to the secret rooms where the spoiled meats went to be doctored. The party descended to the next floor, where the various waste materials were treated. Here came the entrails, to be scraped and washed clean for sausage casings; men and women worked here in the midst of a sickening stench, which caused the visitors to hasten by, gasping.
Upton Sinclair 25 and overwork; but Jurgis stood it and came out in fine trim, and with eighty rubles sewed up in his coat. He did not drink or fight, because he was thinking all the time of Ona; and for the rest, he was a quiet, steady man, who did what he was told to, did not lose his temper often, and when he did lose it made the offender anxious that he should not lose it again. % So in the summer time they had all set out for America. At the last moment there joined them Marija Berczynskas, who was a cousin of Ona's.
The Jungle (Webster's Korean Thesaurus Edition) by Upton Sinclair
by Kevin