By Patrick Stevenson
ISBN-10: 020328867X
ISBN-13: 9780203288672
ISBN-10: 020343465X
ISBN-13: 9780203434659
ISBN-10: 0415129842
ISBN-13: 9780415129848
ISBN-10: 0415129850
ISBN-13: 9780415129855
This obtainable textbook deals scholars the chance to probe for themselves quite a lot of sociolinguistic matters in terms of the German language and its position in societies around the globe. it really is written for undergraduate scholars who've a valid useful wisdom of German yet who've very little wisdom of linguistics or sociolinguistics. It combines textual content with sensible routines and dialogue inquiries to stimulate readers to imagine for themselves and to take on particular problems.In half One Patrick Stevenson invitations readers to enquire and examine matters concerning the prestige and serve as of the German language on the subject of its audio system and to audio system of different languages with which it comes into touch. partially the point of interest shifts to the varieties and services of person beneficial properties of the language. This comprises, for instance, picking good points of nearby speech kinds, analysing similarities and adjustments among written and spoken German, or taking a look at the 'social which means' underlying diversified types of deal with. half 3 explores the connection among the German language and the character of 'Germanness'. It concentrates on people's attitudes in the direction of the language, the ways that it really is altering, and their perspectives on what it represents for them.
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Previous page page_30 next page > < previous page page_31 next page > Page 31 Managing conflict It seems intuitively obvious that strongly felt ethnolinguistic identities are likely to generate at least the potential for conflict: it is not a matter simply of distinctiveness but of self-worth, which is almost inevitably measured in relation to the perceived worth of an ‘other’. However, actual conflict is not inevitable and, even where it arises, its effects can be mitigated in various ways. Most of our discussion so far has been based on two examples (Luxembourg and Switzerland), and these will form the basis of this section too, but this is also an opportunity to bring other contact situations into consideration.
Ungeachtet dessen sind ca 90% aller untersuchten Personen in Österreich der Meinung, daß Österreich über eine Standardsprache verfügt (vgl. Moosmüller 1991). Bei den restlichen 10% handelt es sich um Personen, die aufgrund ihrer politischen Zugehörigkeit bestimmte politische Verhältnisse wiederhergestellt sehen möchten. Daraus wird schon deutlich, daß der Wunsch nach einer von anderen Staaten < previous page page_12 next page > < previous page page_13 next page > Page 13 unabhängigen Standardsprache eng mit der Konstituierung einer Gruppe als Staat oder Nation zusammenhängt.
Regionale Amtssprache . A language may have official status and/or function at either national or regional level, and this is an important distinction as far as German is concerned. Solo-offizielle bzw. ko-offizielle Amtssprache (or, sometimes, alleindominante bzw. kodominante Amtssprache ). On both national and regional levels, an official language may be the only language that is accorded this position or it may share it with one or more other languages. Nationalsprache. The use of this term tends to be determined ideologically, but in general it can be said to relate to symbolic rather than practical roles that a language can perform.
The German-Speaking World: A Practical Introduction to Sociolinguistic Issues by Patrick Stevenson
by Jeff