By Thomas Festa
ISBN-10: 020396036X
ISBN-13: 9780203960363
ISBN-10: 0415978394
ISBN-13: 9780415978392
This publication indicates that schooling constitutes the vital metaphor of John Milton's political in addition to his poetic writing. Demonstrating how Milton's idea of schooling emerged from his personal practices as a reader and instructor, this ebook analyzes for the 1st time the connection among Milton's personal fabric conduct as a reader and his thought of the facility of books. Milton's instincts for pedagogy, and the behavior of inculcation all over obvious in his writings, tackle a bigger political functionality in his use of schooling as a trope for the transmission of highbrow heritage. The booklet for this reason analyzes Paradise misplaced within the complementary contexts of its outright academic claims and extra subversive countervailing measures so as to convey how Milton dramatizes "the finish of learning," that is to assert either its target and its failure. The thesis emphasizes the argumentative resourcefulness of Milton's efforts to free up readers from the tyrannical bonds in their political innocence, such a lot instantly within the context of the failure of Cromwell's regime to set up lasting republican associations. extra philosophically, the booklet explores the ways that Milton's works examine the humane and highbrow craving for justice according to the matter of evil.
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This publication exhibits that schooling constitutes the vital metaphor of John Milton's political in addition to his poetic writing. Demonstrating how Milton's concept of schooling emerged from his personal practices as a reader and instructor, this ebook analyzes for the 1st time the connection among Milton's personal fabric conduct as a reader and his idea of the facility of books.
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Extra info for The End of Learning: Milton and Education (Studies in Major Literary Authors)
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The Miltonic Bard educates his readers by exercising them in rigorous judgment, imaginative apprehension, and choice. 56 My analysis of Paradise Lost in Chapter Four will not presume that Milton’s intentions for his epic neutralize the effects of the text or definitively limit the range of its signification. Stanley Fish’s presumption of “the” reader “in” Paradise Lost unhappily and artificially reduces Milton’s possible, but also his historical, audience. Before I quarrel with Fish, let me say that I have myself been influenced by his work, and that I see the book’s central thesis as a major landmark in the field of Milton criticism.
Calculate a magnificent plot to trap his readers into such misinterpretations and corrections as would lead them to salvation. ” Milton’s conception of the Bible corroborates this political reading of the epic, even as the concept of “progressive enlightenment” relays the proper skepticism about the experiential relationship between revelation and human political behavior. ”55 Even more than in the prose, Milton’s poetry advocates the strenuous activity of right reason as the sine qua non of human regeneration, while at the same time emphasizing above all else the ethical attitude made manifest in self-sacrifice as the best possible means to achieve the public good.
33,”33 the Apostle’s citation of the verse affirms the didactic potential of Milton’s foray into the dramatic genre of the play from which it was quoted. In fact, as Milton says in the Areopagitica, Paul “thought it no defilement to insert into holy Scripture the sentences of three Greek Poets, and one of them a Tragedian,” whereas “Julian the Apostat, and suttlest enemy to our faith, made a decree forbidding Christians the study of heathen learning” (YP 2:508). In De Doctrina Christiana, Milton—like Paul in the passage Milton was so fond of—cites Euripides as he discusses the nature of the soul and its fate after the death of the body: “Euripides in the Suppliants has given a far better interpretation of this passage than my opponents, without knowing it” (YP 6:407).
The End of Learning: Milton and Education (Studies in Major Literary Authors) by Thomas Festa
by Steven