By James D. Anderson
ISBN-10: 0807817937
ISBN-13: 9780807817933
ISBN-10: 0807842214
ISBN-13: 9780807842218
James Anderson seriously reinterprets the background of southern black schooling from Reconstruction to the nice melancholy. through putting black education inside a political, cultural, and financial context, he deals clean insights into black dedication to schooling, the bizarre importance of Tuskegee Institute, and the conflicting objectives of assorted philanthropic teams, between different concerns.
Initially, ex-slaves tried to create a tutorial procedure that may help and expand their emancipation, yet their kids have been driven right into a method of business schooling that presupposed black political and monetary subordination. This perception of schooling and social order--supported through northern commercial philanthropists, a few black educators, and so much southern tuition officials--conflicted with the aspirations of ex-slaves and their descendants, ensuing on the flip of the century in a sour nationwide debate over the needs of black schooling. simply because blacks lacked monetary and political energy, white elites have been in a position to keep an eye on the constitution and content material of black undemanding, secondary, general, and school schooling through the first 3rd of the 20 th century. still, blacks persevered of their fight to enhance a tutorial approach based on their very own wishes and desires.
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Foremost among these whites were those promoting limited or rapid southern industrialization. Although traditional planters continued to favor a repressive system of agricultural labor and to discourage working-class literacy, proponents of southern industrialization increasingly viewed mass schooling as a means to produce efficient and contented labor and as a socialization process to instill in black and white children an acceptance of the southern racial hierarchy. In 1877 Thomas Muldrop Logan, former Confederate general and industrialist in Richmond, Virginia, spoke before the American Social Science Association on the question of education in the southern states.
Most important, schooling most emphatically was not the answer to southern labor problems. "The South could not supply by schools," said one southern writer in 1868, "the restraining, correcting, elevating influences" cultivated and maintained by slavery. 10 Hence at war's end the planters attempted to reestablish the plantation system with only minor modifications. With the overseer renamed "manager" or "agent," the planters tried to force ex-slaves to work the postwar plantation in antebellumlike work gangs.
Before the war poor children were unable to afford private schooling and only rarely had the opportunity to attend charity institutions. In the immediate postwar years the region's poor whites, in general, were still too closely tied to the planters' interests and ideology to pursue a different conception of education and society. White laborers and small farmers when organized in the Farmers' Alliance and Populist party challenged the planters' opposition to universal schooling only in the late i88os.
The Education of Blacks in the South, 1860-1935 by James D. Anderson
by Christopher