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By David Lockwood

ISBN-10: 031223015X

ISBN-13: 9780312230159

ISBN-10: 0333981561

ISBN-13: 9780333981566

ISBN-10: 1349412899

ISBN-13: 9781349412891

Is there a hyperlink among the cave in of the Soviet Union, the novel reforms in China and Vietnam, and the present drawback in East Asia? David Lockwood argues that the typical consider every one is the concern of state-controlled economies, besieged via the constructing forces of globalization. This publication examines the cave in of the Soviet Union no longer because the "end of history," or the start of a "new international order," yet for example of techniques which are occurring the realm over.

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It would seem reasonable to conclude with Engels that: . . where . . the internal state power of a country becomes antagonistic to its economic development . . the contest always ended with the downfall of the political power. Inexorably and without exception the economic development forces its way through . 113 Globalization was probably least traumatic in the advanced economies since they were already largely externally oriented. The slump of the mid-1970s threw the fact that their states did not control their domestic economies into sharp relief.

It is the increasing inability of the national state, due to the globalization of the world economy and the consequent strengthening of world market forces, to determine economic policy and plan economic growth. (c) State responses States themselves respond to these pressures. In the global economy, in order to maintain economic growth (the foundation of any ‘national independence’), an outward economic orientation is required – particularly if the alternative is ‘. . economic failure on such a scale that it crushes, or threatens to crush, the power of the state.

46 Of course, the spokespeople of even the biggest corporations can still drape themselves in the national colours when it suits – to call for protection or bemoan ‘unfair’ foreign competition. 47 The debate on globalization There has, of course, been considerable debate over the existence, and the extent of the trend towards globalization. 48 Were their judgements correct – primarily that the national state retains its economic power – we would simply be at a loss to explain why neither the strongest economies (like the United States), nor the strongest states (like the centrally planned economies), have seemed able to use that power to resist globalization.

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The Destruction of the Soviet Union: A Study in Globalization by David Lockwood

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