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New PDF release: The Coding Dojo Handbook

By Emily Bache

ISBN-10: 919811803X

ISBN-13: 9789198118032

Do you're employed on a staff the place no longer everyone seems to be captivated with reliable layout and writing computerized exams? how are you going to advertise solid practices? This guide is a suite of concrete rules for a way you may get began with a Coding Dojo, the place a bunch of programmers can specialize in enhancing their useful coding abilities. if you step into the Coding Dojo, you allow your day-by-day programming surroundings, with all of the linked complexities and difficulties, and input a secure atmosphere the place you could test stuff out, make blunders and research with others. it is a enjoyable and profitable job for any bunch of coders!

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It’s good to relax together a little while after a hard day’s coding and learning. Code Retreat Variants The Code Retreat format has been used many times, and is quite prescribed. org⁴ closely. ) to make improvements. Several people have already been designing variants, and publishing information about how to run them. B. Rainsberger has set up a “Legacy Code Retreat” event, very similar in form to a normal Code Retreat, but using the “Trivia” problem. org Code Retreat 23 stretch your skills with refactoring, but this one really does!

Below are a couple of features of other tools that I know of, that I think could be useful to have in a dojo setting. Constant Test Running Some test runners will execute all the tests all the time, and with practically every keystroke you make, visually update the test status to red or green. This can help remind you which phase of the TDD cycle you’re working in. It could help you avoid refactoring when there are failing tests, for example. Tracking Code Smells Some code smells can be automatically detected by static analysis, and a tool can track them.

We felt it was really valuable to not just show the result, but to show coding techniques. One meeting of course it happened that no-one had prepared anything, and we didn’t know quite what to do. Someone suggested we stop, that it was the end of the dojo, but then we had been having so much fun, we didn’t want to stop! So Laurent suggested that we work on a new problem, and each take a turn to show some code. Over several more meetings we refined the “Randori” format, with 5 minutes each at the keyboard.

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The Coding Dojo Handbook by Emily Bache

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