By D. Dowling
ISBN-10: 0230117082
ISBN-13: 9780230117082
ISBN-10: 1349292915
ISBN-13: 9781349292912
This accomplished learn levels from Irving's Knickerbockers, Emerson's Transcendentalists, and Garrison's abolitionists to the preferred serial fiction writers for Robert Bonner's long island Ledger to unearth awesome convergences among such probably disparate circles.
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The fictional Grandfather Cockloft, for example, continually blows up his grounds to improve the order of the landscape around his fishpond. This portrayal of the oldest member of the Cocklofts in irreverent hues is a comic inversion of the wise and venerable figure of respect embodying tradition. ”30 Narrator William Wizard, Esq. ” The rhetoric of advanced economical and scientific method in the voice of a gentleman narrator comically clashes with the blunt objective of blowing up the British.
This was the Fanny who Halleck had in mind, as he appears to be writing in her voice at times, mocking her rigid disapproval of the elite New York circles, as she was well known for assaulting what she felt were superficial self-stylized fashionables. Halleck would justify “her fears of my reputation as a satirist” upon their introduction by sending up Ms. 41 Specifically, there is an explicit exposure of literature’s new home with the merchant in the mock epic, which laments in maudlin tones the loss of classical antiquity to technology, commerce (and its attendant materialism), fashion, and the modern languages.
9 According to Duyckinck, this early society was “the first” of its kind, and its authority derived from its specialization in “purely” literary subjects. Interestingly, Duyckinck’s promotion of Paulding’s specialized literary authority through his membership in this circle carefully abridges the commercial angling concomitant to such specialization in the context of the transformation of authorship into a trade. Indeed, the story of Salmagundi’s publication, like that of The Sketch Book, functions in this brief biography as the story of Paulding’s rise to literary success.
The Business of Literary Circles in Nineteenth-Century America by D. Dowling
by William