By H. P. Schwan (auth.), William J. Adelman Jr., David E. Goldman (eds.)
ISBN-10: 1461332974
ISBN-13: 9781461332978
ISBN-10: 1461332990
ISBN-13: 9781461332992
On July 10, 1980, Kenneth S. Cole turned eighty years outdated. in an effort to have fun this landmark, a symposium within the type of a chain of Monday night lectures was once held in his honor on the Marine organic Labora tory during the summer time of 1980. the choice of audio system used to be made up of between these investigators who have been both his scholars or co-workers. One reason of the symposium used to be to check the present prestige of information of these parts of curiosity in excitable membrane constitution and serve as that owe their initiation or encouragement to Kacy Cole. The papers assembled during this quantity characterize a wide majority of the shows given through the 1980 Cole Symposium. it sort of feels transparent on exam of those papers that Kacy's pursuits in membrane impedance, ion channel conductances, channel fluctuation phenomena, excitation, and the advance of membrane biophysical method are all being actively pursued. it's also transparent that a lot of his feedback have borne fruit. of those, his invention of the voltage v vi Preface clamp process has been best. it truly is was hoping that those papers will supply new instructions for investigations into the character of excitable membrane phenomena. The organizers of the symposium and the editors of this quantity desire to show their due to the Marine organic Laboratory for making to be had the amenities for the symposium. in addition they desire to thank Dr.
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The sine wave amplitude (lj,) was adjusted with a potentiometer to nominal values between 100/LV and 16 mV but was measured separately for each experiment for the calculation of the admittance amplitudes and for the calculation of the ratio of second-order to first-order admittance amplitudes. PREPARATION AND ELECTRONICS Intact, cleaned single giant axons isolated from the medial stellar nerve of the squid, Loligo pealei were used. These axons were voltage clamped in a chamber located in a Faraday box made of irridited 44 L.
Second-order nonlinear generalized admittances corresponding to twice the fundamental frequency. There are two third-order admittances, one given by the coefficient pair 131 and - 13 1 at frequency t, and the other by the pair 133 and - 13 3 at frequency 3f. These are plotted on Figures 4 and 5. Notice that the scales on the horizontal and vertical axes are different in these figures and were chosen so as to make the curves more visible. When plotted with the same units on both axes, these curves appear to lie nearly along the horizontal axis.
Clapham, D. , and Mauro, A (1980). Second order admittance in squid axon, Abstract, presented at the 1980 Joint ASBCjBiophys. Soc. Meeting, New Orleans. Drost-Hansen, W. (1977). Water at biological interfaces: Structural and functional aspects, Phys. Chern. Liq. 7, 243-345. Einolf, C. , and Carstensen, E. L. (1969). Passive electrical properties of microorganisms. IV. Studies of the protoplasts of Micrococcus lysodeikticus, Biophys. J. 9, 634. Einolf, C. , and Carstensen, E. L. (1973). Passive electrical properties of microorganisms.
The Biophysical Approach to Excitable Systems: A Volume in Honor of Kenneth S. Cole on His 80th Birthday by H. P. Schwan (auth.), William J. Adelman Jr., David E. Goldman (eds.)
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