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Download PDF by Stephan v. Bechtolsheim: TEX in Practice: Volume III: Tokens, Macros

By Stephan v. Bechtolsheim

ISBN-10: 0387975977

ISBN-13: 9780387975979

ISBN-10: 1461227240

ISBN-13: 9781461227243

TEX has continuously been considered as the main stylish and strong approach for machine typesetting. in spite of the fact that, its common use past academia used to be hampered via its complexity. lately, quite solid TEX implementations have pop out for PC's placing TEX at the disks of many of us together with writers, designers, machine publishers, and engineers. accordingly, curiosity in TEX has surged. what's wanted at this aspect is a ebook that teaches step by step find out how to use TEX, illustrating every one step with suitable examples. this can be precisely what S. v. Bechtolsheim's publication does. it's a instructional and advisor for the first-time consumer of TEX, in addition to a reference for the more matured "TEXpert." TEX in perform will look as a 4 quantity set, beginning with TEX in perform, quantity 1: fundamentals; TEX in perform, quantity 2: Paragraphs, Math and Fonts; TEX in perform, quantity three: Tokens, Macros; TEX in perform, quantity four: Output exercises, Tables. TEX in perform might be an quintessential reference for the TEX neighborhood and a consultant throughout the first step for the TEX novice.

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12, p. 13, for details. 9. If category code 9 is assigned to a character, then that character is ignored by 'lEX. 1, p. IV-337, to read-in a number specifying an amount in dollars and cents, like $3. 25. By having 'lEX ignore the period (\catcode'\. = 9) the amount is actually converted to an amount given in cents (325). 'lEX has no notion of floating point numbers (numbers with a decimal point) with the exception of dimensions. 25, one must convert this number into cents. 10. Here is another, admittedly a little obscure, example of ignoring certain Tokens 9 characters.

Parameter tokens. The sequences #1 through #9 are each considered a single token. 7, p. 180, for an explanation of parameters. 4 Spaces and Control Sequences In comparing the treatment of spaces after control words and control symbols, remember that spaces after control words (but not after control symbols) are ignored. Also remember that multiple adjacent space characters in the input are converted into a single space token. The following input, \TeX\TeX \TeX \TeX{} \TeX\space\$\$ \$ \$ \$\$ is converted by 'lEX's mouth to the following token list: \TeX • \TeX • \TeX • \TeX • { • } • u • \TeX • \space • \$ • \$ • u • \$ • u • \$ • u • \$ • \$.

Multiple adjacent spaces are no longer reduced to single space tokens. Here are the relevant definitions in the context of \obeyspaces from the plain format. Observe that \obeyspaces makes the space character active. First the definition of the macro \space which expands to a simple space token 1 \def\space{} Now the definition of the macro \obeyspaces which makes the space character active. 1 \def\obeyspaces{\catcode'\ = \active} Next define what the active space character does: it executes \space.

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TEX in Practice: Volume III: Tokens, Macros by Stephan v. Bechtolsheim

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