By Michael Schenk
ISBN-10: 365809429X
ISBN-13: 9783658094294
ISBN-10: 3658094303
ISBN-13: 9783658094300
Michael Schenk evaluates new applied sciences and strategies, comparable to cryogenic read-out electronics and a UV laser process, constructed to optimise the functionality of huge liquid argon time projection chambers (LArTPC). among others, the writer reports the uniformity of the electrical box produced through a Greinacher high-voltage generator working at cryogenic temperatures, measures the linear power move (LET) of muons and the longitudinal diffusion coefficient of electrons in liquid argon. the implications are acquired via analysing occasions brought on through cosmic-ray muons and UV laser beams. The stories are performed with ARGONTUBE, a prototype LArTPC in operation on the college of Bern, Switzerland, designed to enquire the feasibility of glide distances of as much as 5 metres for electrons in liquid argon.
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At the same time, the electric field strength between the cryostat wall and the field cage was minimized to reduce the risk of dielectric breakdowns. Ring electrodes with a racetrackshaped cross section arranged with a pitch of 4 cm and a gap of 5 mm were found to fulfill the requirements. To achieve a smooth and inert surface, they are made of gold-plated and polished solid aluminum. 2: Left: The Argontube during the maintenance and preparation phase for the following run. The TPC is attached to the top flange and partly extracted from the inner vessel.
The construction of a leak-tight feedthrough suited for such a high voltage (HV) is a very challenging task and a different approach was chosen. 3: Left: The fully assembled field cage with 125 ring electrodes. Top right: View on the inside of the field cage. Four PAI columns hold the structure together. The Greinacher voltage multiplier is installed on one of the columns. Bottom right: CAD drawing showing a cutaway view of the lowermost part of the field cage and the cathode (A). The principle of the assembly is illustrated.
5 Hz is used for the Argontube UV laser measurements. 6 on the left and is situated above the Argontube detector. After passing through the wavelength separation unit, the light pulse passes by a sensitive photodiode (Thorlabs DET10A/M), goes through an adjustable polarizer (Altechna Watt Pilot), an iris, and a system of mirrors before it enters the detector through an evacuated quartzglass feedthrough [24] installed in the center of the cryostat top flange (see Fig. 6, right). The photosensor triggers the data acquisition (DAQ) when recording laser induced ionization tracks.
Studies with a Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber: Addressing Technological Challenges of Large-Scale Detectors by Michael Schenk
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