By Pieter van Reenen, Margot van Mulken, Janet Dyk
ISBN-10: 9027221537
ISBN-13: 9789027221537
This quantity includes ten papers chosen from between these offered on the annual loose collage Stemmatological Colloquia 1990-93. present concerns in (automated) stemmatology, paleography and codicology are addressed from modern theoretical views. All papers specialize in new instructions in textuology and manuscript association, and particularly at the use of machine technology during this field.The theoretical implications of computer-assisted stemma development are explored. together with achievements in codicology and paleography, those investigations permit for facing the key difficulties in textuology: severe advanced and entangled manuscript traditions.
Following an introductory bankruptcy, half 1 provides six theoretical contributions on stemmatology, and half 2 offers with auxiliary fields in textuology, equivalent to codicology and paleography. partially three purposes of the formerly built fields are provided.
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The verses are only temporarily rewritten in shorthand to free them of trivial spelling differences which do not possess genealogical power (char. 56 In the final variation formulas with which the genealogy has to be built, the original, non-simplified, variants will again be used. 5. 57 Textual differences that occur in the same place Striving to detect significant, 'heavy', variants with the aid of the computer, I do not want to be confronted with thousands of trivial accidental or parallelistic variants.
Let us take a closer look at some elements of the rule. First of all, the final phrase, "variants in rhyming position in verses, regardless of the word class they belong to, are text-genealogical as well", claims that all textual variants in rhyming position in verses are relationship-revealing. The word class they belong to is unimportant; variants in rhyming position can belong to other word classes than nouns and verbs. P. SALEMANS a rhyming word is one of the most essential parts of a verse, if not the most essential part.
CLADISTICS 27 read 'this man is always drunk', while the other group has 'this man is never drunk'. The opposition of the adverbs 'always' versus 'never' may offer sound text-genealogical information. Adjectives, which often play an inferior role in a sentence, can be left out or added easily. Because the risk of 'parallelism is high, the general category adjectives43 has not been mentioned in the ad hoc rule. The choice for 'nouns and verbs' has been derived from the first textgenealogical rule.
Studies in Stemmatology by Pieter van Reenen, Margot van Mulken, Janet Dyk
by Kevin