By David Atkinson, Steve Roud
ISBN-10: 1472427416
ISBN-13: 9781472427410
Lately, the idea that conventional songs originated from a essentially oral culture has been challenged by means of examine into 'street literature' - that's, the inexpensive revealed broadsides and chapbooks that poured from the presses of jobbing printers from the overdue 16th century till the start of the 20th. not just are a few conventional singers identified to have discovered songs from revealed resources, yet many of the songs have been composed via specialist writers and reached the population in published shape. road Ballads in Nineteenth-Century Britain, eire, and North the USA engages with the long-running debate over the foundation of conventional songs by means of interpreting highway literature's interplay with, and impact on, oral traditions.
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Additional info for Street Ballads in Nineteenth-Century Britain, Ireland, and North America: The Interface Between Print and Oral Traditions
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484. , Ancient Ballads Traditionally Sung in New England, 31 32 4 vols (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1960–65), i, 19–20. 33 ESPB, ii, 180. 34 David C. Fowler, A Literary History of the Popular Ballad (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1968), pp. 250–54; M. J. C. Hodgart, The Ballads, 2nd edn (London: Hutchinson, 1962), pp. 104–108. Percy seems to have reached very much the same conclusion regarding ‘Lord Thomas and Fair Annet’. 30 Street Ballads in Nineteenth-Century Britain, Ireland, and North America As something of a footnote, brief mention should be made of another broadside, contemporaneous with the earliest Lord Thomas and Fair Ellinor broadside, titled The Unfortunate Forrester; or, Fair Elener’s Tragedy, beginning ‘Amongst the forresters of old’.
61–65. 5 St Clair, Reading Nation, p. 63. 6 St Clair, Reading Nation, pp. 89–98. Was There Really a ‘Mass Extinction of Old Ballads’? 21 from no-poaching agreements to informal cartel, and then through formal cartel to the near complete monopoly which operated until after 1774. 7 Among the major components of this popular canon were the broadside and chapbook ballads; prose chapbook fiction, ranging across the merry and the godly, the historical and chivalric;8 almanacs, which included much practical information (dates of fairs, phases of the moon) but which also perpetuated ancient and unofficial forms of the supernatural (fortune-telling, prognostications); conduct literature and works of popular theology, including abridgements of biblical stories and Christian myths.
1775. So, on the face of it, Child 110 could be fitting into a model of ‘mass extinction’ within a generation of 1774 – or, perhaps more accurately, a model of dispersal into Scotland prior to a gradual decline. And yet, in the twentieth century, Frank Kidson, Cecil Sharp, George Gardiner, Henry and Robert Hammond, Percy Grainger, Alfred Williams, and Peter Kennedy all collected the ballad in England. There are Scottish copies in the Greig–Duncan and J. M. Carpenter collections, and a few more collected in ESPB, ii, 457 and n.
Street Ballads in Nineteenth-Century Britain, Ireland, and North America: The Interface Between Print and Oral Traditions by David Atkinson, Steve Roud
by Kevin