By Oscar Nierstrasz, Stéphane Ducasse, Damien Pollet
ISBN-10: 3952334103
ISBN-13: 9783952334102
Black A.P. Ducasse S. Nierstrasz O. Pollet D. Squeak by way of instance (Square Bracket, 2008) (ISBN 9783952334102)
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It offers you a number of ways of fixing this. Choose declare instance because we want cells to be an instance variable. Finally, Squeak will complain about the message newCellAt:at: sent on the last line; this is also not a mistake, so confirm that message too. If you now look at the class definition once again (which you can do by clicking on the instance button), you will see that the browser has modified it to include the instance variable cells. Let’s look at this initialize method. The line | sampleCell width height n | declares 4 temporary variables.
How can we make sure that programmers who may have to maintain our method in the future have an unambiguous description of what it should do? ”. ') How do we create a new method in Squeak? First, we have to decide which class the method should belong to. In this case, the shout method that we are testing will go in class String, so the corresponding test will, by convention, go in a class called StringTest. 20. 20: The new method template in class StringTest. text in the bottom pane is a template that reminds you what a Smalltalk method looks like.
At the bottom of the class pane, you can see the class comment in a dedicated pane. 16: The system browser showing the definition of class Boolean. If you would like to explore Squeak’s inheritance hierarchy, the hierarchy browser can help you. This can be useful if you are looking for an unknown subclass or superclass of a known class. The hierarchy browser is like the system browser, except that the list of classes is arranged as an indented tree mirroring the inheritance hierarchy. Click on hierarchy in the browser while the class Boolean is selected.
Squeak by example by Oscar Nierstrasz, Stéphane Ducasse, Damien Pollet
by Paul