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By E. G. Schlechtendahl (auth.), E. G. Schlechtendahl (eds.)

ISBN-10: 354016927X

ISBN-13: 9783540169277

ISBN-10: 3642969666

ISBN-13: 9783642969669

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Extra info for Specification of a CAD*I Neutral File for Solids: Version 2.1

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The assembly structure in the reference schema 49 + 0: node D:e,ement Figure 9. 5 Example of a boolean tree in a CONSTRUCT BOOl_OPERATOR BOOL-OPERATOR is an attribute that defines whether the two operands of a boo- lean expression are to be combined as a difference (first operand minus second operand), union, or intersection. Any properties, such as material, associated with the first operand will dominate over properties associated with the second operand volume. z y x Figure 10. 6 This dimensiorLY The BOX primitive BOUNDED_CURVE entity represents all bounded curves.

12 CONSTRUCT A CONSTRUCT is an entity that has a scope. The data structure of a construct represents a three-dimensional geometrical shape. Certain domains of this shape may have material properties associated with them. A construct is not an elementary solid model but defines a function which -when evaluated- will produce asolid. The function operators are BOOLEAN, the operands are BOOL-OPERANDs. The elemetary operands which are called PRIMITIVEs exist in the scope of the CONSTRUCT only. However, poly-hedron models and b_reps may in the exist construct scope and may be used as operands to boolean operations (if the CAD system provides this capability).

The list A shell is defined by its bounding faces (a face may be referenced by up to two shells). Faces refer to a surface entity characterizes a loop (see Figure 12 on page 52). each bounded curve edge is An edge may be referenced by up to two faces. An edge refers to a bounded curve that characterizes its This which the geometrical shape. Faces also refer to their edges. The or- dered list of edges of a face together with the orientation of called are geometry. must of course be geometrically consistent with the sur- faces on which the edge lies.

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Specification of a CAD*I Neutral File for Solids: Version 2.1 by E. G. Schlechtendahl (auth.), E. G. Schlechtendahl (eds.)

by Edward

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