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James Sherr's Soviet Power: The Continuing Challenge PDF

By James Sherr

ISBN-10: 1349120758

ISBN-13: 9781349120758

ISBN-10: 1349120774

ISBN-13: 9781349120772

Representing the end result of an RUSI major topic research, "Soviet strength and Prospects", this quantity is predicated at the Institute's proposition that army strength exerts a profound impression at the process global politics and that such strength can't be divorced from its social and political context.

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There are echoes of 'Germany will be heard' in Gromyko's boast that no problem in the world today can be solved without reference to the USSR (a boast which, incidentally, only reiterates what Molotov stated in 1946). 34 Thus, in addition to reproaching others for failing to give the country its due as a revolutionary power acting in accordance with history's iron laws, the USSR also claims the rights and perquisites of a Power of the old school. No longer is she simply the embattled germ of a revolution which one day will rise up to destroy the bourgeois order; she is also a co-equal which, by virtue of her place in that same order, has earned a right to shape it.

Today, East and West remain divided in their grasp of what is, even if they have come to care less about what ought to be (a debatable point in itself). For Marxists, and particularly for Marxist-Leninists, the basic reality of life is conflict. As heirs of Hegel and bedfellows of Darwin, Marxists envisage social relations as a dynamic process; by 'politics', they understand a struggle for power, driven by class interest. Thanks to a largely different intellectual heritage, the champions of liberal democracy are accustomed to regard stability as a norm- indeed, a highly desirable norm - along with consent, compromise, and evolution (change within stability); to us the art of governing is the ability to accommodate different interests or reconcile them to a general interest.

In spite of these assets, examples abound where Soviet clients have misjudged their potential and failed in their efforts. But assets these are, and any discussion of power is flawed if it excludes them. Far from political warfare and other active measures being by-gone techniques from times of weakness, they have grown in importance with military strength. 3 For many, the overriding need of our time is not East-West rivalry, but cooperation. In a world where war remains possible and where it First Principles 5 could have catastrophic consequences, this is a compelling appeal.

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Soviet Power: The Continuing Challenge by James Sherr

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