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Soviet Partisan Movement, 1941-1944. DA Pam 20-244. German by Edgar. Howell PDF

By Edgar. Howell

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Additional info for Soviet Partisan Movement, 1941-1944. DA Pam 20-244. German Report Series.

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18 THE SOVIET PARTISAN MOVEMENT of functions and a constant conflict of jurisdictions, which was to do much harm to the occupation, and would have given the whole venture a singleness of purpose that it was to need so badly later. 40 The form the final political structure was to take is not completely clear. 41 Hitler's views were much the same: generally, the Crimea was to become Reich territory, evacuated by all foreigners and settled by Germans only; the Baltic States and the Don-Volga area were to be absorbed into a greater Germany; while the Caucasus was to become a military colony.

In the use of these media, special emphasis was to be given to policies which would exercise a calmning influence on the inhabitants and dissuade them from committing any acts of sabotage. 65 Just where this negative approach originated is unknown. 66 In publishing the directive the Wehrmacht Propaganda Division, which was strictly an operating and not a, policy-making body, was merely passing on to subordinate propaganda commands instructions it had received from above. For the execution of this directive, one propaganda company of five platoons was assigned to each field army.

If [the troops] had once begun a retreat, it might have turned into a panic flight," 14for there were no prepared positions to withdraw to. By the middle of January the earlier Russian tactical successes threatened to develop into a strategic disaster for the Germans. Reinforcing their initial assault units, the Soviets continued to press the attack. '" The Fourth Panzer, Ninth, and Fourth Armies stood in grave danger of complete encirclement should this drive succeed in reaching to Smolensk. Too weak to maintain a continuous line, the Germans pulled their units into a series of hedgehog defenses around key communication centers.

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Soviet Partisan Movement, 1941-1944. DA Pam 20-244. German Report Series. by Edgar. Howell

by David

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