By Kinsell L. Coulson
ISBN-10: 0121929507
ISBN-13: 9780121929503
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An electrically operated shutter mounted in front of the entrance aperture caused alternate 1-min intervals of shading and exposure of the blackened surface of the disk. Because of its simpler operation, the Marvin pyrheliometer replaced, in 1914, the last of the Angström pyrheliometers used for solar normal incidence measurements by the Weather Bureau.
4 Photographs of various types of calibration sources (courtesy of the Eppley Laboratories): (A) standard of spectral radiance; (B) standard of spectral irradiance; (C) and (D) carbon filament and tungsten filament standards of total irradiance. shown in Fig. 4A. A typical spectrum of radiation emitted by an incandescent tungsten filament at 2800°K is shown in Fig. 5. The strong continuum radiation from this lamp makes it a convenient standard for the visible and near-infrared regions, but at the operating temperature of tungsten very little of the energy is emitted in the ultraviolet.
Absorption of solar radiation was promoted by blackening the bulb itself, instead of coloring the alcohol as both Herschel and Hodgkinson had done. Radiation was introduced through a 10-mm aperture in the surrounding metal envelope. A series of diaphragms was arranged to assure that entering radiation fell on the bulb and to decrease the effect of wind on the instrument. PouileWs Pyrheliometer The first successful research on the solar constant appears to have been that of Pouillet in 1837 (Glazebrook, 1923).
Solar and Terrestrial Radiation. Methods and Measurements by Kinsell L. Coulson
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