By Johannah Haney
ISBN-10: 0761441506
ISBN-13: 9780761441502
ISBN-10: 0761445994
ISBN-13: 9780761445999
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She lives in Boston, Massachusetts, with her husband and their two pets. 45 SMALL BIRDS Index Page numbers for illustrations are in bold.
Food and Water Most cages already come with food and water dishes that are anchored to the walls of the cage. All pet birds need fresh water to drink. Most small bird cages come with small food and water dishes that are just the right size for the birds. The birds’ water dish should be cleaned and refilled with fresh water at least once every day. It is important for your pet bird to get all the nutrients it needs from its food. Many types of birds are given fruits, vegetables, and seeds in order to stay healthy.
If you think your bird might be sick, call a veterinarian right away. Certain vets specialize in treating birds. These are called avian vets. Make sure you consult an avian vet for your pet. To find a good avian vet, ask the place where you bought your bird, get recommendations from other bird owners, or look online. Avian vets have special training that helps them treat birds. Whenever you have a question about your bird or its care, or when you are worried about its health, you should not hesitate to contact your veterinarian.
Small Birds (Great Pets) by Johannah Haney
by John