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Gelman A.'s Should we take measurements at an intermediate design point PDF

By Gelman A.

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 65, 1057–1061 (2010) Chaos Synchronization of the Modified Van der Pol-Duffing Oscillator of Fractional Order 43 20. : A Pair of Van der Pol Oscillators Coupled by Fractional Derivatives. Nonlinear Dyn. 69, 313–324 (2012) 21. : Control Chaos in System with Fractional Order. Journal of Modern Physics 3, 496–501 (2012) 22. : Ninteger v. htm 23. : Gershgorin and His Circles. Springer, Berlin (2004) 24. : Adaptive Backstepping Control and Synchronization of a Modified and Chaotic Van der Pol-Duffing Oscillator.

Dispatching rule means the th state of multimodal processes: , , , – sequence of multimodal processes , ,…, ,…, allocation in the th state, ∆, – sequence of semaphores of the th , ,…, ,…, state, – determines the process (an element of the rule , ascribed to ), which has the access right to the resource , – sequence of semaphore indexes of , ,…, ,…, the th state, determines the position of the semaphore value in the dispatching rule , , . , Behaviors of the system characterized by various sequences of subsequently reachable states (2) can be illustrated in a graphical form as a state space .

0006 Ex [mm] t [ms] 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Fig. 15. 001 Fig. 16. 001 mm from the initial value X=100 mm of the servo drive before (broken line) and after (solid line) the modification 60 overshoot [%] 40 20 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 X [mm] 100 Fig. 17. 001 mm of the servo drive before (broken line) and after the modification (solid line) In Figs. 001 mm/s for the servo drive with and without the BDKE block and various initial slide positions x. Owing to the use of the BDKE block the highest and the lowest values of the slide position error have decreased over fivefold for a short lead-screw and twofold for a long lead-screw.

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Should we take measurements at an intermediate design point (2000)(en)(8s) by Gelman A.

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