By Linda Fortini, Laura Mori
ISBN-10: 1849407479
ISBN-13: 9781849407472
This can be a learn of a very good staff of sextuplets who have been saw at domestic on a per month foundation, for two-hour visits over a three-year interval, by means of Linda Fortini, a psychologist who lives and works in Florence, Italy.
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Now that the threat of mortal danger had been overcome, there prevailed a sense of continuity of life and the mother gradually reacquired her own identity. Meantime she made long trips back and forth, almost two hours each way, to see and help take care of her babies in the hospital. ” The event was postponed for a week. In one of the follow-up visits, thinking back to that period, she hypothesized that perhaps she had made the fever come on to delay the arrival of the babies. The first two of the sextuplets to go home, Alice and Bruno, received mixed feeding, breast and bottle.
The mother’s words and behaviour in this period seem to indicate a condition of delayed post-partum depression. ” (ninth observation, 14 months). Recently it has been impossible to take them out because going out requires at least three adults. She does not say it explicitly, but she makes it clear that she needs the observer’s help. This is one of the rare times that the mother expresses a real need and communicates a sense of defeat and exhaustion without denying it. In regard to countertransference, the observer feels almost grateful to be finally “useful”.
In the above series of events we see the mother’s ambivalent feelings regarding the grandmother’s absence. indb 27 11/24/09 6:27:43 PM 28 S E X T U P L E T S : S T U DY O F A S I B L I N G G R O U P the bedtime “rules”), on the other she feels the grandmother’s absence, and she does not trust the substitutes. For the first time, as if she too feels the absence of the grandmother, the observer intervenes to warn the mother that one of the children has a piece of plastic in his mouth (an indication of her counter-transference).
Sextuplets : study of a sibling group by Linda Fortini, Laura Mori
by Daniel