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7 234 (2005) TAKE A DIP IN THE FERMI SEA Recipe for the ultimate extreme Nanobot winter sport: Set nanometer-sized swimmer. robots swimming in a pool chilled to near absolute zero. Nanobot swim sprints might not make the Olympics, but in theory they’re possible, say mathematical physicists. Joseph Avron, Boris Gutkin, and a colleague at the Technion–Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, Israel, had previously studied larger robots swimming in a viscous fluid and decided to see what would happen at the nanoscale.
The spray toad has what may be the smallest range of any vertebrate—2 hectares. Some biologists think it has lived in the gorge or nearby for at least 10 million years. The gorge begins where the Kihansi River plunges 100 meters off an escarpment, YYePG Proudly for Support then rushes anotherPresents,Thx vertical 750 meters through 3 MARCH 2006 VOL 311 SCIENCE 4 kilometers of violent twists and cascades. The river flows year-round, whereas the region’s other streams disappear in dry season. The slippery cliffs and the water’s ferocity long excluded people, allowing the mist-world creatures to live undisturbed and undiscovered.
One candidate for bringing it in: the imported sprinkler pipes. Another: the boots of dozens of scientists, who traveled in from four continents. Others point out that the 2003 crash coincided neatly with a brief opening of the dam’s floodgates to flush sediments. Tests showed these contain pesticides used by a growing number of maize farmers upstream, in concentrations that could kill the toads. But these are just immediate causes. At bottom, many believe that the gorge environment is broken and can’t be reassembled: The changes weakened the toads, and chemicals or infections just f inished them off.
Science (Vol. 311, No. 5765, 3 March 2006)
by Paul