By Husserl, Edmund; Hyder, David Jalal; Husserl, Edmund; Rheinberger, Hans-Jörg
ISBN-10: 080475604X
ISBN-13: 9780804756044
ISBN-10: 0804772940
ISBN-13: 9780804772945
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I’ ll call it a n es sentially indexical m eaning (as t he ter m i ndexical h as become entrenched in recent de cades). ” Well a head of his time, Husserl began the outlines of a sem antics of indexical words: The word this as uttered on a pa rticular occasion refers to an object of the speaker’s perception on that occasion. ) With such a sem antics in mind, I p ropose (as detailed in Smith, 1989) an explication of the intentional force of the indexical meaning in a perception: The i ndexical me aning “this” entertained i n a v isual e xperience i n a g iven context (or occasion) prescribes or is satisfied by an object in that context if and only if that object is appropriately visually before the subject of the experience on the given occasion.
3 Carnap’s co nstitution t heory o f k nowledge in t he Aufbau, t hen, reflects the central issues detailed in Husserl’s philosophical system laid out in the Logical Investigations and amplified in his later works. Following Husserl, Carnap adapts the term constitution within the context of neoKantian debates in German philosophy in the early decades of the twentieth c entury. B ut C arnap h olds bac k f rom n eo-Kantian i dealism a nd also realism: Are t he c onstituted s tructures “generated i n t hought,” a s t he [neo-Kantian] Marburg School teaches, or “only recognized” by thought, as realism asserts?
Then, i f we n od t o Husserl, c omes t he w ide r ing of everyday theory about our Lebenswelt. And finally at the perimeter of the web come our perceptual observations. This web st ructure can be e xplicated in some detail, it should now be c lear, within a H usserlian framework, as the structure of the web unfolds the constitution of the world as we know it in our overall theory. We recall the indexical, global, and historical characters of the various meanings within the web of theory. Within suc h a web m odel o f k nowledge, t he o utstanding i ssue between a Quine, a Carnap, and a Husserl is precisely how flexible are the different parts of the web, from the sensory to the logical elements, and how malleable each is in light of the others.
Science and the life-world : essays on Husserl's Crisis of European sciences by Husserl, Edmund; Hyder, David Jalal; Husserl, Edmund; Rheinberger, Hans-Jörg
by David