By R. Wiesendanger, H.-J. Güntherodt (auth.), Professor Dr. Roland Wiesendanger, Professor Dr. Hans-Joachim Güntherodt (eds.)
ISBN-10: 3642974708
ISBN-13: 9783642974700
ISBN-10: 3642974724
ISBN-13: 9783642974724
This e-book offer a special advent to the idea of scanning tunneling microscopy and comparable scanning probe equipment. it really is written by means of specialists who've built the theoretical foundations for realizing the distinction mechanisms serious about many of the neighborhood probe equipment. an summary of different theoretical methods is gifted with the intention to be worthy for each theorist beginning during this box. nevertheless, the results fo the theoretical effects are mentioned intimately. accordingly, this e-book will function a most beneficial consultant for experimentalists as wll, facilitating the translation in their info.
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W. Lyo, Ph. Avouris: Science 245, 1369 (1989) Y. J. Silverman: J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. A 8,289 (1990). E. Demuth, U. J. Hamers: 1. Microscopy 152, 299 (1988). D. Lang: Phys. Rev. K. Gimzewski, R. Moller: Phys. Rev. 18] Y. Imry: Physics of meso scopic systems, in Directions in Condensed Matter Physics: Memorial Volume in Honor of Shang-keng Ma, ed. by G. Grinstein, G. Mazenko (World Scientific, Singapore, 1986), pp. 101-163; R. Landauer: Z. Phys. D. Lang: Phys. Rev. B 37, 10395 (1988) G. Binnig, H.
In a short symbolic notation this might be written as t/la(i) = (1 - G~~p V~,n-l t/I~2)(i) . (i) This method permits the calculation of the current density in position space. Examples are given in Fig. 4. 2 Including the Atomic Structure of the Tip: Model Hamiltonian Approach An important unresolved question in understanding STM concerns the role played by the nature of the tip. By manipulating the tip in a usually not very well defined way, the experimentalists achieve atomic resolution, change the distance dependence of the tunnel current and even produce image inversion, where protrusions turn into indentations and vice versa.
3. It might be tempting to substitute the quantities CAP-LOD and TIP-LOD by the negative imaginary parts of the Green functions of the capacitor (matrix s:a1 3. 13, 14), are not over a complete set of eigenfunctions on the energy shell as they are for the imaginary parts of the respective Green functions. 13], where the interaction of the tip and the tip electrode with the sample surface is neglected and Ii + > is replaced in the generalized Ehrenfest theorem by an eigenfunction of standing-wave character of the unperturbed tip electrode, S~~ does not vary with lateral tip position.
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy III: Theory of STM and Related Scanning Probe Methods by R. Wiesendanger, H.-J. Güntherodt (auth.), Professor Dr. Roland Wiesendanger, Professor Dr. Hans-Joachim Güntherodt (eds.)
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