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Morwenna Griffiths's Re-Imagining Relationships in Education: Ethics, Politics PDF

By Morwenna Griffiths

ISBN-10: 1118944739

ISBN-13: 9781118944738

Re-Imagining Relationships in Education re-imagines relationships in modern schooling by means of bringing cutting-edge theoretical and philosophical insights to endure on present instructing practices.

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20 R. 22 But at the very least, it suggests that the goal of education should not be to cultivate individual autonomy understood on the modern (broadly Kantian) model as a capacity to govern oneself through reason alone in ways that systematically devalue dependency and make us less rather than more able to live with vulnerability and difference. 23 NOTES 1. In this chapter I shift quite loosely between the ‘pedagogical’ and the ‘educational’; for a helpful differentiation, see Sharon Todd (Chapter 4), whose chapter also links the pedagogical to becoming, birth and infancy.

8–9, 158–9), will often manifest in the anxiety and affective distress of the teacher. Conversely, as Hooks also notes, our interactions with our students can (and should) empower us (p. 152). When, in a class on the philosophy of art, a student who was also a sculptor wrote an essay on the active material encounters involved in working with different kinds of metals, I learnt from him 18 R. Jones in unanticipated ways that informed my research as well as my future ability to teach the material we were discussing; though it remained the case that I got to grade his papers, not he mine.

MATERNAL, PATERNAL, AND PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT In Maternal Thinking, Sara Ruddick identifies three demands that define the practice of child-raising. ‘Children “demand” that their lives be preserved and their growth fostered. In addition, the primary social groups with which a mother is identified, whether by force, kinship or choice, demand that she raise her children in a manner acceptable to them’ (1989, p. 17). For Ruddick, meeting the three demands of ‘preservation, growth, and social acceptability’ constitutes maternal work.

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Re-Imagining Relationships in Education: Ethics, Politics and Practices by Morwenna Griffiths

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